This is the list of mistakes which im going prepare on basis of question aris very frequently or asked commonly on social media platform when a new cactus grower ask for solution.

Mistake 1 : Plant a cactus plant whenever you want 

Almost of all cacties are brought in autumn, winter and spring. Usually seller can simultaneously sell you a pot along with his temporary soil mixture or you buy bear rooted plant from other online sources. After that most of us immediately run to transplant the plant without paying attention to the season of the year. If the transplantation is carried out during the period from october to february then there is a high probability that the plant will die.  Ths period in the temperate zone is characterized by insufficient intensity of illumination and a short duration of daylight.In such conditions, the roots will not be able to develop and absorb the water from your soil mixture. In consequence, the plant will suffer from the well called “wet-feet” effect. As a result the roots will rot and over the time, the above part of the plant is also affected and after few days will be loose your plant.

Mistake 2 : Planting a cactus in big size pot 

The majority of the plants are grown and subsequently sold in small nursery pots, The conatier may be brown/black/red/white and in shape round or square. In most cases the pot for transplanting is selected based on its design feature. The size of the pot is usually chooses by amatures is big whereas the plant is small. The properly sized pot is the same as the one in which that plant was grown or 10-20% more bigger than previous. Follow this thumb rule and in result you should enjoy the beauty of the plant and not a pot with the soil mixture. 

Mistake 3 : Wrong soil mixture to plant a cactus

Soil mix under the tree, based on peat and so on. All soil mixture should be sterilized before   planting a cactus, very few peoples (experts) follow this practice. Even a peat mixture, which theoretically should have no pests and diseases. A probability of having something harmful the the plant exists everywhere. E.g in turf ground, sand, mineral curbs, moss and so on. If the mixture has a strong deviation of acidity from the recommended the plant will immediately begin to suffer after planting in that soul mixture. Properly made mixture is a guarantee of good development of your cacti for long time or many years even without transplanting into a new pot.    

Mistake 4 : Watering your cactus very frequently or whenever you want

Lot of amateurs/new growers thinks that regular watering is the main rule for the care of a plant. As a result, such plant often dies after couple of weeks. Many of cactus need to watered once in a week or month at most. The frequency of watering varies depending upon the season of the year. When you buy a plant, it is preferable to learn its specific feature first. Even if you don’t know what kind or family it belongs to you can place its photo to your common and popular groups to the identification of the plant. 

Mistake 5 : More light and high temperature 

“Cactus comes from a desert, so sun doesn’t scare/harm it.” This is common misconception among all of us. But It is ture mostly cactus comes from deserts but in natural condition cactus grows on the slope of the rock and it hides in shadow of the rock in the hottest time of the day, Or E.g it can grow among thorns that also scatter sunlight. Moreover, in natural habitat the sky covered with clouds that reduce lighting in the daytime and what the conditions are we creating? We put the pot with the plant on the southern window and as a result, the midday heat combined with the strongest radiation puts our cactus into a state of shock. In addition to this, direct sunlight overheats the pot and the roots in it. The subsequent frequent watering makes the situation even worse. Roots under stress condition are not capable of absorbing water so they will rot in wet soil mixture. Almost all cactus develop vegetatively at the temperature range from 25-35 C. All the values that go beyond this range, put the plant under stress.  

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