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Hindu God Wallpapers: Nav Durga - Free Maa Nav Durga HD wallpaper Download
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We see the plants every day in our lives. But how many of us watch them and realise they are the power engines of life for us! Some 700 million years back, algae-like plants stemmed from aquatic ancestors, and transformed into land plants some 500 billion years ago. Their evolution began as stems, leaves then creating flowers, and generating deceptive or horrible smells, depending upon their visitors being pollinator or pests.

Vibrant Leaves | As usual with me lots of jobs in the garden… | Flickr

Most importantly, they received the power of photosynthesis, their leaves transforming the sun’s rays into organic energy. For the present humanity, it might seem peanuts, but we cannot live without oxygen being generated by plants.

Plants have been intrepid travelers, too. Over 3,90,000 varieties adapted to rainforests, the arctic and deserts. Thriving of plants mean thriving of life. Cleaning water and air, the leaves take carbon dioxide from air. The agencies have recorded one tree absorbs about 25 KGs of carbon dioxide annually, They formed partnerships with birds, fungi, insects and animals, where each is helped by other to survive.

Photosynthesis biological vector illustration diagram with plan cell scheme.

Currently, the World Economic Forum estimates industries highly dependent on nature produce over $44 trillion of economic value. Over half of earth’s population rely on rice, corn and wheat as primary food while six crops produce over 8-% of global bio-fuel.

Plants literally hold the world together-their roots bind the soil, while their partnership with pollinators and dispersers enable crops.

Yet, we do not mind destroying this natural world of plants for our pitty economic gains.

Over 40 % of plant population, 2 of 5, face extinction, while many have been erased for ever.

As the plants start vanishing, so do the foundations of our lives. Awareness of the consequences of plant loss is essential, as is delight in their intricate splendor, and motivating likes of Shakespeare to write Daffodils.

(adapted from an article from TOI Evoke).

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October is again a very busy month for gardeners.

  • Let’s first start with lawns. Apply ammonia sulphate or nitrate of soda by broadcasting in the evening. After an interval of fortnight It’s time for a second dressing of lime.
  • Established Rose plants should be pruned and given a top dressing of manure or bone meal . The Planting of new rose plants should be done towards the end of the month.
  • Succession sowing at an interval of 10 days or a fortnight should be done of all winter vegetables.
  • Those who want their winter annuals for exhibit purposes should pot early this month so that plants get enough time for development.
  • The planting of annual flower beds and borders must also be completed this month so that the seedlings may be well established before winter sets in.
  • Earlier bloomers: Select annuals when fall sown, will emerge as soon as mother nature cooperates, allowing the plants to germinate and bloom earlier than spring-sown annuals. Sowing of seeds of Larkspur ,Linaria, may be made in situ in beds and borders .
  • Robust Plants :Direct sowing results in most robust plants. When seeds are grown indoors they are bit lanky or spoiled even in moderate temperature and perfect growing medium.Transplanting does result in some plant shock while new root growth navigates
  • Native soil and plants get used to temperature swings outside in their new place.
  • Ease : Direct sowing is easy and carefree and also gets more time for plants to get established and get more blooming time.

Tips for success

  • Mixing a little sand with seeds helps space seeds more evenly. This is more applicable to fine seeds like petunia, pansy.
  • Don’t forget to mark what and where you sowed with stakes .
  • If you are a balcony or terrace gardener do remember to harden the seedlings. Do not pot them immediately. Preferably buy in trays. Avoid loose seedlings.

Balcony gardeners should try to grow plants vertically.

Annuals you can successfully sow in October.

  • Acroclinum, Alyssum, Anchusa, Antirrhinum, African Daisy
  • Aster, Brachycome Calceolaria, Calendula, Candytuft, Carnation
    Cineraria, Clarkia, Delphinium, Dianthus, Dimorphotheca
  • Eschscholzia (Californian poppy), Gazania, Gerbera, Godetia,
    Gypsophila, Helichrysum, Hollyhock Lupin, Marigold, Nasturtiums
  • Pansy, Petunia, Phlox, Primula Statice, Sweet pea, Sweet William , Verbena, Viola

These are all common varieties. One must try a few new varieties every year. I would also suggest throwing a few seeds at random to give a thrill of a wild garden. Though you grow annuals in beds or borders.

Essentials for cultivation.

Provide an open sunny position. Good drainage. Feed soil with organic manure.
Stake plants which require staking specially which grow tall.

Stopping annuals: Stopping of young plants is required when you want to display blooms at a particular time or occasion. It also gives a more compact plant which gives blooms for a longer duration. Stopping can be adopted for almost all annuals. For example antirrhinum, clarkia, phlox, candy tuft, salvia, marigold, etc.

Suitable plants for edgings: Ageratum, Alyssum, Myosotis, linaria, Marigold, mesembry anthemum mimulus, nasturtium, stock.

Sweet peas :It is a vine which grows up to 8ft.The sweet peas need a very well dug soil up to 2ft. It should be richly manured with plenty of leaf Mould and cow dung manure. It prefers sunny position and good drainage. Plant the seeds in moist soil. Sow the seeds 4in apart in two rows forming a triangular pattern. Cover the seeds with straw or fine mesh to protect seeds from birds and squirrels. Keep the soil moisten.

Pinch of the top 1cm of the plant when it’s 10 -15cms or has three pairs of leaves. Train one stem and develop that to grow. Cut axil leaves and tendrils. Remove all flower stalks until plant is around 60cm. Feed liquid cow dung manure once a week after the plant is stablished. Keep on removing faded and dead flowers. Protect from green flies, birds, slugs and snails. Buds drop due to excess moisture in atmosphere and soil.
Dahlia: They can be propagated from seeds ,cuttings, or division of Tubers. They take 80-90 days to flower.
Soil and Manure. Dahlias love Sunshine but need protection from frost and cold winds. Soil should be well drained. Soil should have cow dung manure +bone meal +potash +leaf mould.

For decorative dahlias do stopping and disbudding when the plant attains 40cm height.
Begonias.: they are divided into three groups:

  • Tuberous
  • Rhizomatous
  • Fibrous

The tuberous begonias like shady position. They can also be multiplied from cuttings also. Rhizomatous can also be propagated from leaf cuttings also.B.rex The fibrous roots can be propagated easily by root division. Ex.B. semper Florens.
Bulbs: The bulbs can be planted now. The depth of planting varies according to the types. The depth should not be more than twice the height of the bulb.If planted too deep,it may rot or may not flower.

Soil and cultivation:

A good soil mixture is

  • Loam one part
  • Leaf mould one part.
  • Well rotted manure half part
  • Bone Meal 4 tablespoons.

Lime and sand may be added if required. Lilies don’t like lime.
Bulbous plants like slightly acidic soil.

Over watering bulbs before buds causes rotting. Soil around the bulbs must be kept moist from planting till the end. Complete drying may prove disastrous. It is advisable to allow a bulb to form A well developed eye before planting. Cutting old and diseased foliage in the Autumn helps perennial plants jump right into new growth in the spring.
Most flowering plants and fruits should be pruned when they are dormant or off season ,this is late October. Delay in pruning may result in less flowers and fruits. Clean tools should be used for pruning.
Fertilise your plants after pruning.

Rama Tyagi

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Happy dussehra to all
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Pest Solutions

Use these simple and easy techniques to keep your yard safe from bad bugs and pesticides.

  • Dislodge aphids, mites and spittlebugs with a blast from the hose.
  • Shake the base of a plant to remove adult Japanese beetles and drop them into a soapy jar of water.
  • Destroy plants that have scale.
  • Other than small-scale infestations, it’s usually easiest to just get rid of the plant.
  • Encourage lady beetles to visit and eat aphids and spider mites.
  • Remove larger pests like squash bugs and tomato hornworms from plants and dispose of them.
  • Tomato hornworms grow to be sphinx moths so some gardeners chose to put up with the damage they cause.
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Now grow these nine Medicinal Plants at your home

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Bioswales are landscape features designed to manage stormwater runoff and improve water quality. They are typically shallow, vegetated channels or ditches that are engineered to slow down, filter, and infiltrate rainwater. Here’s how they function:

Protect Your Bay Area Yard with Bioswales | Lyngso Garden Materials 650 ...

Stormwater Management: Bioswales capture and direct rainwater, particularly during heavy rainfall events, to help prevent flooding and erosion in urban areas.

Filtration: The vegetation and soil in bioswales act as natural filters, removing pollutants such as sediment, oil, and heavy metals from the runoff water.

Bioswales and Green Infrastructure - Photobotanic

Infiltration: Bioswales promote the infiltration of rainwater into the ground, recharging groundwater and reducing the load on stormwater drainage systems.

Improved Water Quality: By removing pollutants and allowing for natural filtration, bioswales help improve the quality of water that eventually enters streams, rivers, and other bodies of water.

Habitat Enhancement: These features can also provide habitat for native plants and wildlife, enhancing biodiversity in urban environments.

Overall, bioswales are an eco-friendly and sustainable solution for managing stormwater runoff and mitigating the negative environmental impacts associated with urbanisation. Creating a bioswale involves careful planning and design to ensure it effectively manages stormwater runoff and enhances the environment. Here are the key steps in designing and constructing a bioswale:

Image result for bioswale section | Rainwater harvesting, Rainwater ...

Site Assessment:

Evaluate the site to determine its suitability for a bioswale. Factors like soil type, drainage patterns, and existing vegetation should be considered.


Determine the size, shape, and location of the bioswale based on the site’s characteristics and the volume of stormwater it needs to manage.

Calculate the slope and grade of the bioswale to allow for proper water flow. Decide on the type of vegetation that will be planted in the bioswale, considering native species that are well-suited to the local climate. Incorporate a variety of plants with different root depths to maximise water filtration.


  • Dig a shallow, gently sloping trench according to the design specifications.
  • Typically, the bottom of the bioswale is lined with a layer of coarse gravel or aggregate to facilitate drainage.

Soil Preparation:

  • Amend the soil in the bioswale with organic matter to improve water infiltration and plant growth.
  • Ensure the soil composition supports the selected vegetation.


  • Plant native, drought-resistant vegetation in the bioswale. Arrange plants strategically to create a diverse ecosystem that aids in water filtration and provides habitat for wildlife.


  • Apply a layer of mulch around the planted area to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and protect soil from erosion.


  • Regularly maintain the bioswale by removing debris, weeds, and invasive species.
  • Monitor the health of the plants and replace any that are not thriving.

Inlet and Outlet Structures:

  • Install inlet structures, like curb cuts or grated drains, to direct stormwater into the bioswale.
  • Provide an outlet structure, such as an overflow pipe, to manage excessive runoff during heavy rain events.

Education and Signage:

  • Inform the community about the purpose and benefits of the bioswale through educational signage.


  • Continuously monitor the bioswale’s performance to ensure it effectively manages stormwater and maintains water quality.
    Bioswales can vary in design depending on the specific site and objectives, but these general steps provide a framework for their creation as eco-friendly stormwater management tools. Designing and maintaining them properly is essential for their success in improving water quality and reducing runoff in urban areas.

In conclusion, bioswales are effective and sustainable stormwater management solutions. They offer numerous benefits, including flood prevention, pollutant removal, and enhanced urban greenery. By integrating bioswales into urban planning and infrastructure, we can mitigate the impacts of stormwater runoff and contribute to a more environmentally friendly and resilient urban environment.

Happy Gardening

Rama Tyagi

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Literary corner…

आज हौले से
बयार चली थी
आँखों में
ओस भी सी
उमड़ आयी थी
कहीं कुछ ज़ख्म
उभर आये थे
एक कोमल कली
चटक आयी थ।

रूठी सी चांदनी
बादलों के घूंघट से
मुस्कुराई थी
एक छोटी सी कली
पत्तों की ओट से
नाज़ुक पंखुड़ी के
पट खोले
गुनगुनाई थी

आज मेरे घर
एक कोमल कली
चटक आयी थी।


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स्पाइडर माइट्स

कल हमने स्पाइडर माइट्स के बारे में बात की थी और कुछ उपाय भी ,आज कुछ और उपायों का भी उल्लेख करना चाहूंगी ।आप बर्तन धोने वाले तरल साबुन को पानी में मिला कर पतों के निचले भाग को साफ कर सकते हैं।आप इस तरल पदार्थ से स्प्रे भी कर सकते हैं।आप कीटाणुनाशक साबुन भी प्रयोग कर सकते हैं।

Biological Control of Spider Mites in Tomatoes | NC State Extension

इसका प्रयोग तब तक करें जब तक कीटों से छुटकारा न मिल जाएं। Horticulture oil जो कि मुख्यता अमलिया   खाद्य पदार्थों से बने होते हैं कीटनाशक में सहायक होते हैं।ऐसे में नींबू वाला bio-enzyme उल्लेखनीय है।नीम का तेल भी एक अच्छा विकल्प है।ध्यान रखें कि नीम का तेल मछलियों के तालाब में न डालें। नीम का तेल पानी के जीवों के लिए घातक है,कोशिश करें कि आपका बहता पानी नदी तालाबों में न जाता हो ।

Image result for Spider Mites On Tomato Plants
spider mites in tomatos

यदि आप को रासायनिक पदार्थ का प्रयोग करना है तो pyrethroid pesticide का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं।यह एक सेफ pesticide hai ।बाकी आप malathion, bifenthrin, cyfluthrin और kelthane।इन सब का प्रयोग तभी करें जब स्थिति गंभीर हो। हमेशा निर्देश अनुसार प्रयोग करें।स्पाइडर माइट्स बहुत जल्दी किसी भी दवाई से tolerance बना लेते हैं,इसलिए नियमित तौर पर एक कीटनाशक का प्रयोग न करें बदल बदल कर प्रयोग करें।जैसा कि आपने जाना स्पाइडर माइट्स गर्मी में ज्यादा फैलते हैं किंतु कुछ ठंडे,बसंत,और पतझड़ मौसम में भी एक्टिव होते हैं।सर्दियों में घर के अंदर रखे पौधों में भी हो सकते हैं ।इसलिए कमरों में humidity का ध्यान रखे।

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Embarking on a Green Journey: A First-Time Gardener’s Guide

Introduction Imagine a world where you step outside your home and are greeted by a riot of colours, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the soothing fragrance of blooming flowers. This world can be yours, even if you’ve never planted so much as a single seed before. Welcome to the
wonderful world of gardening, where a first-time gardener can find joy, fulfilment, and a deeper connection to nature.

Getting Started

  • Choose the Right Space: Before you start digging, assess your available space. Do you have a spacious backyard, a small balcony, or just a sunny windowsill? The size and location of your garden will dictate what you can grow.
  • Understanding Your Climate: Investigate your local climate and growing zone. Different plants thrive in different conditions, and knowing your zone will help you select plants that will flourish in your area.
  • Select Easy-to-Grow Plants: As a beginner, opt for low-maintenance plants like tomatoes, basil, or marigolds. These plants are forgiving and provide a great starting point for a novice gardener.
  • Gather the Essentials: Acquire the basic gardening tools such as a shovel, rake, watering can, and a pair of gardening gloves. You don’t need a lot to get started.
    Planting and Caring
  • Prepare the Soil: Healthy soil is the foundation of a successful garden. Invest in some good-quality soil and, if necessary, amend it with compost or organic matter.
  • Plant with Care: Follow the planting instructions for your chosen plants. Make sure you give them enough space to grow and provide adequate water and sunlight.
  • Weed and Water: Regular weeding and watering are essential tasks to ensure your plants thrive. Be consistent, but avoid overwatering as it can be harmful.
  • Learn to Prune: Pruning helps your plants grow strong and healthy. Research how and when to prune your specific plants to encourage growth.

Challenges and Learning

  1. Pests and Diseases: Be prepared to encounter pests and diseases. Learn to identify common issues and research natural remedies or consult local gardeners for advice.
  2. Educate Yourself: Gardening is a constant learning process. Read books, watch videos, and engage with gardening communities to expand your knowledge.
  3. Patience is Key: Understand that gardening is a patient endeavor. Plants take time to grow, and not every season will yield perfect results. Embrace the learning experience. If you have a small space then go vertically, use your walls or hang baskets on the ceiling. Try your hands in container gardening, where you plant 3 to 4 different types of plants in a single pot. Try to make it colourful, plants and flowers with different hues ,Make sure all plants require the same needs. You cannot plant cactus along with flowering plants.

Being a first-time gardener is a rewarding journey that connects you with nature and provides a sense of accomplishment as you watch your garden flourish. Start small, learn as you go, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Gardening is not just about growing plants; it’s about nurturing a connection to the natural world that will last a lifetime. Happy gardening!

Rama Tyagi

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भांग की चाय

चाय ऐसा पेय पदार्थ है जो सभी को अच्छा लगता है, चाहे वह जवान, वृद्ध या फिर बच्चा ही क्यों न हो सभी  चाय पीना पसंद करते हैं. देश में टी लवर्स की तादाद दिनों दिन बढ़ती जा रही है. लेकिन समय बीतने के साथ ही चाय के रूप, रंग और प्रकार में भी बदलाव आया है. आज हम आपको एक ऐसी ही चाय के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं जिसको पीने से कई रोगों से छुटकारा मिल सकता है. लेकिन आप उस चाय का नाम सुनकर हैरान हो जाएंगे.

इस चाय का नाम भांग की चाय है, हैरान मत हों, यह कोई नशे करने की चाय नहीं है, बल्कि एक रोगमुक्त चाय है. भांग की चाय का  सेवन करने से ब्लड सर्कुलेशन सही से होता है और दिल स्वस्थ रहता है. जिन लोगों को तनाव रहता है वह लोग इस चाय का सेवन कर सकते हैं. यह चाय उन्हें अंदरूनी शक्ति देती है. साथ ही इस चाय के पीने के लाभ यह भी है कि जिसे भूख नहीं लगती उन्हें भूख लगने लगेगी, फेफड़ों की समस्या और शरीर के पुराने दर्द से भी यह चाय राहत देती है.Advertisement

बता दे कि विशेषज्ञों के एक अध्ययन से पता चला है कि अगर भांग का सेवन सीमित मात्रा में किया जाए तो इससे इंसानों के शरीर को किसी प्रकार का नुकसान नहीं पहुंचता है.

भांग की चाय बनाने की विधि

  • भांग की चाय बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले एक पैन में भांग की पत्तियों से बना पेस्ट या फिर पाउडर डालें.
  • इसके बाद इसमें पानी, दूध, चीनी, दालचीनी, लौंग, इलायची, काली मिर्च, अदरक और तेल डालकर अच्छी तरह उबाले.
  • पानी को अच्छे से उबालने के बाद हल्की आंच पर करीब 20 मिनट तक चाय को अच्छी तरह से उबाले.
  • अब पानी उबलने के बाद गैस बंद कर दें और इसे थोड़ी देर ठंडा होने के लिए रख दें.
  • अब मिश्रण को छानकर किसी डब्बे या गिलास में निकाल लें और कुछ देर के लिए ढककर रख दें.
  • जिसके बाद अब दूसरी तरफ एक कप में हल्की क्रीम डालें और छना हुआ चाय का मिश्रण कप में डाल दें.
  • इसके बाद अब आपका जब भी चाय पीने का मन हो तो माइक्रोवेव में गर्म करें भांग की चाय पिए और इसके मजे लें.
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Weekly Gardening Tips: CROTONS

  I have observed that many people face difficulty in growing Croton. Some how I am successful in growing this plant.

This plant brings beautiful colours to your garden. So here are my tips on how to grow and care for this amazing plant. 

Growing Crotons (Codiaeum Variegatum)

1) First thing: we need to select a good pot with a good drainage hole at the bottom. As the plant doesn’t like wet and soggy roots. 

2)Soil should be rich in nutrients and it has to be bit sandy soil which doesn’t hold water for longer period. 

3) Find a good spot for your plant. To maintain their colour croton need 3-4 hours of direct sunlight. But sometimes due to excessive sunlight we could see tip burn problem in the leaves.   

Colorful crotons in my sister's office garden. Photo by Marcy Brennan ...

4) Please don’t keep it directly under the fan or where air conditioner vent.

5) Move your plant as little as possible This plant doesn’t like to keep changing its location. It get adjusted to the place they are in. If you keep moving the plant it may get stressed. 

6) Water the plants carefully as over watering will drown the plant.

Amrita Bharti

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courtesy : Amita
courtesy Neha Mishra
courtesy Madhu

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**आपके बगीचे के लिए महत्वपूर्ण सुझाव और रिकमेंडेशन:**

1. मृदा पोषण:
अब मानसून का समय हमारे पीछे है, इसलिए अपने बगीचे की मृदा को पोषण सामग्रियों से भरपूर करना महत्वपूर्ण है। मृदा की उर्वरकता में सुधार करने के लिए कास्ता खाद या अच्छी तरह से पचा हुआ मल को जोड़ने का विचार करें। यह सुनिश्चित करेगा कि आपके पौधों को आगामी मौसम में स्वस्थ विकास के लिए आवश्यक पोषण मिलता है।
2. काटन और कटाई:
अत्यधिक बढ़े हुए शाखाओं को काट दें और मृत पत्तियाँ हटा दें ताकि हवा का चक्कर चल सके और कीट और सूगद वृद्धि को रोका जा सके। कटन से आपके पौधों को आकार देने में भी मदद मिलेगी और उन्हें स्वस्थ रखेगी।
3. नई रोपण:
खरिफ एक विविधता के साथ सब्जियों, फूलों और जड़ी बूटियों का रोपण करने के लिए एक आदर्श समय है। मंद तापमान और प्राचुर्य की प्रकृति के अधिक सूरज किरणों के साथ नई वृद्धि स्थापित करने के लिए यह समर्पित शर्तें पैदा करती हैं। पालक, सलाद, मैरीगोल्ड्स, और पैंसी जैसे मौसमी पसंदीदों का रोपण करने का विचार करें।
4. कीट प्रबंधन:
मौसम के ठंडे होते ही, कीट और कीड़े आपके बगीचे में शरण ढूंढ सकते हैं। नियमित रूप से अपने पौधों को कीट प्रणाली के लक्षणों की जांच करें और नीम तेल या प्राकृतिक दुर्भाग्यनाशकों जैसे पूर्वानुरक्षण के उपाय अपनाकर अपने हरित स्थान की सुरक्षा करें।
5. मल्चिंग:
अपने पौधों के चारों ओर मल्च की एक परत लगाने से आप मॉइस्चर की संरक्षण, मृदा का तापमान नियंत्रण, और खरपतवार वृद्धि को रोक सकते हैं। स्ट्रॉ या कटे हुए पत्तियों जैसे प्राकृतिक मल्च सामग्रियों का उपयोग करने का विचार करें।
6. पानी देने की अनुसूची:
मौसम के परिवर्तन के अनुरूप अपनी पानी देने की अनुसूची को समायोजित करें। खरिफ के दौरान बारिश कम होने के साथ, अब यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप अपने पौधों को सुबह अथवा शाम को पानी दें ।

रमा त्यागी

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-29.png


Greetings to all Members!

So, last year I thoroughly went through different sources on the web and found that the Tulips require vernalization which is exposure to very low temperatures (Cold, not freezing) for a period during which the Bud development takes place inside the bulb itself. Here’s how
to grow them to ensure success:-

  • Soak the bulbs in Fungicide Suspension @2g/L for 30 minutes.
  • Take Sterile, Well washed Coco Peat and fill a small 4″ plastic container with holes at the bottom and plant the bulb just deep enough to bury the top part.
  • Carefully Water with fungicide suspension, just enough to moist the media.
  • Put the containers in a Sealable Plastic Bag, I used a Zip Lock Pouch for the same.
    NOTE- It is essential to use a quality Zip Lock Pouch if you store Vegetables and fruits inside your Refrigerator/Fridge, because Ethylene from the ripening fruits can inhibit bud formation inside the bulb.
  • Keep the bag inside the Refrigerator away from the fruit/Vegetable compartment till roots appear ~ 7-10 weeks.
  • Unzip and Ventilate the bag at least once a week by keeping it outside for 15 minutes.
  • Check for roots, when media appears to be full of roots you can plant the bulb, just deep enough to bury the neck)
  • Use Sandy, well draining soil with very less organic matter ( I used 3:1 sandy loam & vermicompost). Mix a tsp of Super Phosphate with soil.

The bulb will flower within a month’s time. Flower bulbs in pots and planters Spring-blooming flower bulbs are best planted between mid-September and late December. Of course, there are always exceptions: you can wait until early spring to plant flowers such as the Amaryllis or the Lilium. The perfect time to plant is when the temperature is below 10°C. That is when you should plant your garden to your heart’s content. A few weeks below 8°C is what your flower bulbs need, although just how long varies by bulb type and bulb size.

The colder it becomes and the longer it stays cold, the better the flower will eventually bloom. Make sure that the flower bulbs are under ground before the first frost, otherwise they may freeze. In the event of frost below -10°C, we recommend that you cover the soil where your bulbs are planted. Snow isn’t bad for flower bulbs. In fact, it acts as an extra layer of insulation. Though we don’t have snow in our areas.

The flowering period varies by bulb type and planting period. The first bulb to emerge is the snowdrop, which makes its appearance as early as January end. As previously mentioned, all bulbs need a period of cold to develop and your flowers will appear sooner if it’s warmer early in the year (over 10°C). This means that the weather controls when your flowers bloom. The longer and more severe the winter period has been, the longer and stronger your flowers will bloom.

That’s why it is recommended to keep it in the fridge for 2 months.

I recommend the following steps for planting summer bloomers. Planting flower bulbs is very simple and creating a beautiful garden is child’s play. Follow the steps below and wait for the spring:

  • Plant the bulbs between mid-September and late December. It is important that the temperature be lower than 10°C. Plant bulbs that bloom in the spring in a sunny location. After the winter they need a lot of sun to bloom.
  • Dig a hole for a group of flower bulbs or dig small holes for individual bulbs and small groups. The depth of the hole should be approximately twice the depth and size of the bulb. Pay close attention to the distance between bulbs that is indicated on the package Spring bloomers can also be planted in a pot. Make sure that the bulbs are not too close to
    the rim of the pot, because they can still be affected by the frost.
  • Fill the bottom of the pot with dry leaves or branches. Don’t feel bad for the bulbs that spend the winter outside; they need that brisk cold weather. They go into a kind of hibernation and spring back to life when the weather gets warmer again. If there is a severe frost on the way, pack the pot in bubble wrap or bring it inside to a temporary location that is not warmer than 10°C. Always fill the flower pot or border with fresh potting soil for flower bulbs as this contains the
    perfect nutrients to help the bulbs develop.
  • Be sure to give the spring bloomers enough water. This is crucial for the development of the flower bulb’s root system. When planting in a flower pot, it’s important to make sure that water can drain away. Too much water is not good for the bulbs.
  • The soil should be porous.
    Add enough compost +sand+bonemeal+potash+NPK.

I hope I have been able to clear the doubts.

Same procedure can be used for Hyacinths, Daffodils, Crocuses. There are huge varieties available in India now like :
Freesia, Crocuses, Alstroemeria, Alliums, Anemones, Ranunculus, Iris, Ixia, Gladiolus, Snow drops, Cyclamen, Narcissus. But before buying do check the conditions of the bulb. Always buy from a reliable source. If you want your Amaryllis to bloom during the new year, start preparing now only. If you’ve watched a video on how they are planted in western countries you would have observed that they plant very deep, it’s because the surface soil there freezes during winter, so deep planting prevents frost damage in western countries. It’s not required here in India, at least in the plains.

Rama Tyagi

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