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Minding Mindfully..

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Hello friends…

Being a Life coach, I have always believed that telling stories has a greater impact on the minds, than simply advising them, in whatever capacity, at times we do not even know.

Why and how I came to be writing this is also a story. Through some mutual connection, I happen to come in contact with Mr Sandeep, the owner of Mihir’s Garden, and has close to two thousand CNS. (Pardon me for not being sure of the number). And then he introduced me to this society. And then, I came to be having about 200 plants on my terrace. And suddenly somebody realised that I write workable English. And that is how I came to be writing this. (I really am not aware, if my being here has anything to do with my knowledge on plants)!

So, coming to my story.

Just last week, I had my Engineering classmate, and city mate, visiting me with his wife. And we had a round of cup of tea (I remember during our visit to our maternal village, they used to offer tea to anybody, who even used to stop by asking for route to some place. GPS was not even in the dreams, and asking for place was just another way of enhancing acquaintance amongst humans).

After tea, they expressed their desire to show them around my terrace garden, which I readily agreed to, like anybody who has sweated it out to bring it up. And I proudly showed them a small wooden house, which I put on wall, and told them that this has been housing a family of squirrels in it and they even come to my room and eat away the biscuits, that I purposefully keep on my little table.

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“Why don’t you remove it from there?” was the question that my guests asked me. For a moment, I was shocked at the question, as I am sure you also would be. And he kept laughing as he went around. And to my mind this was no laughing matter.

I went back into memory lanes of that village where each tree was a thing of fascination for us. That old neem tree, which gave us shade in thick of summer; and we could collect some gummy material from the bark, which we used to seal our envelopes with. (My maternal grandfather was the village Postmaster, and of envelopes there was no dearth).

We roamed around the vast empire of fields, and enjoyed the swim in a large tank that they made to water the fields, while water was drawn from the well by Persian wheel.

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Persian wheel

My doctor grandfather had fascination for roses and used to maintain many rose plants. So, we used to live with nature and plants.

Today, we have been removed far away from those luxuries. In fact, the population living in high rises have not ever experienced living in nature.

Our children are our continuation in this world. Hence, we need to be mindful in bringing them up. As they grow, it is then our duty to teach them the value of nature, the luxury of staying in the lap of nature, and respecting it, like we want to be respected.

It is important that we try to teach them to value the little seeds, that one day are going to be great oaks, or to grow into wild weeds, if left un-nurtured.

Jai hind.

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December Gardening!!.

(For those who think growing seedlings at home is a rocket science, they must read this article carefully. Remember that grown up seedlings from nursery can cost you 5 times more, at least. And nothing works in gardening better than putting your knowledge to practice.)

There is no unbelief;

Whoever plants a seed beneath the seed,
And waits to see it push away the cloud,
He trusts in God.

Lizzle York Case.

Many gardeners are in the habit of buying seedlings, as they fear their ability to raise successfully their own by missing something to raise them. It is not possible to buy many seedlings for the price of a few packets of seeds from which many hundreds of seedlings can be raised.
Only bear in mind to handle them carefully. The pleasure you get to raise one’s own seedlings is beyond words and don’t require much attention.

There are three methods of raising seedlings:

(1) In seed trays, pots or boxes.
(2) In specially prepared seed beds: Acclimatized seeds and vegetable seeds, plants which are required in large quantities, should be sown in seed beds.
(3) Directly in position or at a site where they will be grown by Broadcast sowing of seeds which cannot be transplanted like Sweet peas, Poppy.

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THE MOON CONNECTION: Germination will be better, and better and more vegetables will be obtained from a full moon crop. Seeds sown just before new moon give the worst results.

  • THE MIX: The simple principle of mix should be some light, sandy loam, moisture holding ingredients like well-rotted compost manure or leaf mold. Sieve the loam, and the manure or leaf mold as required so all, stones etc. are removed. Mix the loam and moisture-holding ingredients in equal parts and if necessary, add sand until the mixture is light enough and doesn’t cake when damp if pressed together in a handful.
  • Damp the mixture before using.
  • Add a layer of coarse gravel or other material to provide drainage and fill it with the prepared mixture.
  • Shake the pot or box to settle the soil and level the surface .
  • The depth of the prepared mixture should not exceed more than 3in. So always take shallow pots for seed sowing.
  • Sow the seeds,make small depression by using thin baton .
  • Depth of the holes should be according to the size of seeds.
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Fine seeds should be broadcasted. Fine seeds can be mixed with sand for easy broadcast. The next operation is the covering, and it should be done carefully. In case of exceptionally fine seeds sprinkle a very thin dusting of dry sand and press down with flat batten. For large and coarse seeds cover with sifted soil or leaf mould with the help of sieve. Press down as done above. Thoroughly damp the soil with sprayer, without disturbing the surface. Lay it with damp newspaper or sack. You can also soak the pot in shallow water basin till moisture shows on the surface of the soil. Remove from water. You can cover with a transparent sheet also so that progress is visible.

Larger seeds don’t require covering. Place the pots or boxes where wind, rain or hot sun doesn’t reach them. An hour or two of morning sun is sufficient.

Tip: keep the pots or boxes on a bed of ashes to repel slugs and snails. Ashes provide good drainage without allowing excessive evaporation from underneath. Lime mixed with tobacco dust can be sprinkled freely around the boxes/ pots to combat pests. With cold water plants, watering carelessly can be destructive. Failure to germinate is caused by an excess of moisture.

When growth appears remove the covers carefully and gradually. When they show the 4th leaf they are ready for transplanting. Moisten the soil before transferring the seedlings. Make a hole and keep the plant in the hole. Cover with soil and press the soil firmly. Next, water carefully. Keep the pots in shade till they are big and strong, then shift to a sunny area. Avoid damping off by applying fungicide. Prevent ants by soaking phenyl around.

It’s December and we do expect the temperature to fall. We are expecting the temperature to be 21/7. C minimum in December. We have many plants which are required to be protected from frost.

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When cold weather hits, an overnight frost or extended freeze can damage susceptible plants. Even in mild-winter regions, frost can have damaging effects on cold-sensitive garden favorites like citrus trees, bougainvillea, fuchsias, salvias and succulents. Luckily, many plants can be saved from harm when the temperature dips below the freezing point (Himachal, Uttarakhand and Kashmir) with a few simple precautions.

Cover Plants Before Nightfall.

If a frosty night is forecast, cover tender plants like angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia spp.), bougainvillea, citrus, fuchsia, penstemon, salvia, succulents and tree ferns. Young plants and those that have been recently planted can be more vulnerable to frost damage than well-established ones.

To cover plants, place stakes around small to medium-size plants and drape green net/frost blankets over the stakes so that, ideally, the blanket covers but does not touch the plant. For larger plants like gardenia and tree ferns, drape coverings over the crown and wrap the trunk. Always remove the covering in the morning. Old bed sheets or lightweight blankets can be used as well and are preferable to plastic tarps.

Use a Cold Frame

To extend your potential for growing cold-tender plants — such as potatoes, lettuce, spinach and other edible greens — and get a jump-start on starting spring seedlings, consider investing in cold frames. These enclosed frames trap heat and moisture, creating a greenhouse environment for tender plants.You can make some with bamboo frames as well.

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Protect Sensitive Plants with Cloth or Plastic bottles/ jugs can be cut and used as an inexpensive — though less charming — alternative to cover tender plants in beds.

Spread Mulch

Help protect the shallow roots of tender shrubs and perennials from ground freezes by spreading a 3- to 4-inch layer of wood chip or straw mulch/sirkis.

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Bring Small Potted Plants Indoors.

The easiest way to protect succulents and tender herbs from an overnight freeze is to bring them inside. If you have a sunny spot for them, keep them indoors through the cold weather. Otherwise, bring them back outside during the day.

Move Large Potted Plants Under Eaves

Cold wind can intensify the harmful effects of frost by removing moisture from foliage faster than the plant can take up water from the roots. To cut down on this damage, move large potted plants to sheltered areas, such as under the eaves, beneath the canopy of large trees or into the garage. Provide extra protection by wrapping the plants with frost blankets.

Water Well

It may seem counterintuitive to water a garden before a freeze, but providing frost-tender plants with a good drink in the daytime makes plants better able to withstand colder night temperatures. Water early in the day so that the plants have time to absorb moisture before the temperature drops. Avoid spraying the foliage, which can freeze if not given time to dry off.

If Bougainvillea foliage shows frost damage, wait to Cut Back Frost-Damaged Plants.

Although brown foliage and crispy stalks look unattractive, the damaged growth actually helps protect the lower parts of the plant from future freezes. Hold off on pruning plants that have been damaged until all risk of freezes has passed. If you cut back the plant too early and have more nights with frosty temperatures, the shock of pruning and freezing can kill the plant.

Mixture for seasonal flowers in winter

  • Neem khali. 5kg
  • Mustard cake. 5kg
  • DAP 2.50kg
  • Bone meal 1.0 kg
  • Zinc . 1.0 kg
  • Muriate of potash 1.0 kg
  • Cow dung manure 10 kg
  • Mix all components and use 2 teaspoon per. 10 in a pot every 15 days

Rest there’s little work in the garden.

“This is your last chance, in most cases, to plant bulbs — and the first part of the month is the best time, “Plant daffodils, hyacinths, Louisiana irises, jonquils, cannas, gladiolus and dahlias.”

You can plant strawberries too but you will get less yield. Your herbs can still be planted like oregano thyme lavender lettuce parsley etc.

Roses will be at their best. Cannas will be going off and should be given good dressing of rich manure and well-watered towards the end of the month. Chrysanthemums will also be at peak. Flower beds and borders should be hoed and irrigated only as necessity desires.

Rama Tyagi

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(clicked by Amrita)

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Once set up , bottle gardens hardly need any attention . Those large – mouthed giant sweet jars can be used , but glass carboys are ideal. Best way to place compost in the “ bottle “ is by marking a roll of card which reaches down the card with a paper funnel to prevent it sticking to the sides of the bottle .

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Potting mix

First, cover the base with charcoal to create drainage. Cover with peat-based compost. Soak well before planting. Choose miniature plants like palms and ivies, Fittonia , Peperomia and Selaginella. You can improvise a planting tied to a long stick. With this make small holes and slip plants in, foot first with aid of long tongs. Firm compost around plants, which may need pruning occasionally. The conditions in the bottle should remain fairly constant, so only add more water. if the compost seems to dry. Lastly you can add any artefacts, miniature or driftwood as a focal point.

This Bottle Garden hasn´t been watered in 40 years and it´s thriving!
David Letimer has not watered his bottled garden for 40 years.

Seal with cap.

Keep it at a place where it receives light but not direct sunlight. When the jar becomes foggy, wipe with soft cloth or tissue paper.

Happy bottle-Gardening!

Rama Tyagi

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Courtesy : Ram Vilas

How to have healthy plants?

Tips to become a healthy plant parent .

  •   When buying, make sure a plant looks really healthy with glossy, evenly colored leaves. 
  •    Look out too, for brown patches on the leaves which may indicate some disease.             
  • If you don’t know about the plant, ask the supplier about its name and care.
  • Think about the space you have available and where you are going to put your plants.
  •  If you want to make a display of plants in a draughty hall, choose hardy ones like Palms.
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Though watering is essential, you can actually kill a plant with kindness by over – watering.

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A plant needs more water when it’s growing properly in spring and summer or when buds are opening on flowering plants. In winter when they’re virtually dormant, you can allow them to dry out and just water a little once or twice a month.

The way a plant is watered can vary- some like it from above, others from underneath – but always use tepid water. Plants are as averse to icy cold showers as humans are.


If a plant begins to look unhealthy or is slow growing, it may need to be repotted (one way to tell is if roots are showing through the bottom of the pot) . But don’t repot without these warning signs.

  • Some plants that look as though they’re too big for their pot are actually quite happy-it all depends on their particular root system.
  • To repot, choose a larger pot, cover the drainage holes with broken crocks or pebbles and put in a thick layer of compost
  • Knock out the plant from the old pot, cover with compost and firm down.


Some plants produce convenient rooting runners, so propagating is easy (for example, spider plants and Money Plant. You can trail these runners on peat around the original pot and they’ll quickly take root and can then be severed and potted on.

Plants which have large clumps, like Mother-in- law’s Tongue (Sansevieria) and Aspidistra, can be knocked out of the pot and pulled carefully apart to make more plants.

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Aspidistra is aptly called the Cast Iron Plant or Parlor Palm as it can put up with almost anything.

It’ll tolerate fumes, and shade a dry atmosphere.

Water well in summer; little in winter. Sponge leaves to keep dust-free.

House palm (Kentia) – with palm shaped leaves, it likes a cool spot and moderate watering. Can grow very tall.

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Mother-in-law’s Tongue (Sansevieria) is very hardy with long, stiff, fleshy leaves which can grow to 18 in plus. Will grow well in light or semi-shade and it doesn’t mind dry air. Water sparingly taking care not to wet your heart.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum) has long stripy leaves and produces lots of runners which produce new plants. Likes a light position and moist soil.

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Wandering Jew (Trades-cantina) is a trailing plant that sometimes has white or pink streaks –especially if in a light position likes cool atmosphere. Plenty of water in summer. Spray occasionally.

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Asparagus Fern (Asparagus Plumosus) – Pretty and delicate looking (ideal for flower arrangements). Likes light or semi shady positions and needs plenty of water in spring and summer. Feed regularly and spray leaves.

Cacti come in many strange shapes and are quite hardy. water as often as other houseplants from May to August but in winter once a week or less. Love full sunlight but can withstand a fairly low can temperature in dry conditions.

Dieffenbachia, with long, oval, speckled leaves, need warmth (nothing less than 55) They like moderate light, plenty of water and their leaves sponge occasionally.

Ferns (Pteris) can have pale, dark green or reddish-brown leaves. They like plenty of water and shaded spots.

Geranium (Pelargonium) Various forms, some with pink, red, purple, some white flowers.

 Likes a sunny spot and plenty of food and fertilizer in summer. In winter keep cool and fairly dry.


African Violet ( Saintpaulia ) is a pretty little plant with fleshy, rather hairy leaves. It can have white , pink or blue flowers that last months . Keep in a light position way from direct sun . Needs plenty of moisture and a warm temperature of at least 60 Ideally , place the pot in another pot with peat between to create humidity . Take care not to get water on leaves while flowering .

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Bromeliads are exotic plants which usually have strap-like leaves forming a central cup. this should be kept topped up with water, thought soil doesn’t need watering. Needs good light and warmth – not less than 50.

Maidenhair fern (Adiantum) with its delicate feathery foliage, this pretty plant needs moist air in partial shade and not even a whiff of fume and smoke. Should be sprayed regularly in warm weather and fed in the growing season.

Happy Gardening

Rama Tyagi

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छत पर बागबानी


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Courtesy : Shailja Mishra

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Heliconia are almost all from tropical areas of South America and a few are from some South Pacific islands. These were brought to India by British & Portuguese. New species & varieties keep coming in with importers. If anyone has made any hybrids from originally imported species in India, it may be called a hybrid made in India, but still origins are South American.

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But this is also true for most our garden plants ( Roses, Philodendron, Petunias, Pansy, Bougainvillea, Philodendron etc etc). Even Marigold, which is so much a part of Indian religious rituals, was not in India before colonialists brought it here.

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It came from Mexico & Guatemala. What did our ancestors use instead of marigold? Tulips may be treated at present as foreign but in a hundred years, people will take it as Indian! Even a lot of our vegetables are foreign origin. The list is long.

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The North Indian favourite dish Alu-Gobi is made of Potato from Peru- Bolivia Andes mountain area, where they have over 2000 varieties of potatoes, some even purple or other colours. We have so few potato species/varieties in India.

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The cauliflower is from Mediterranean areas – Cyprus, Italy etc and even spread across Europe only about 200-400 years ago. Karela (Bitter Gourd) is from Africa. So many more are foreign origin and we treat it is traditional Indian food. It’s a global world and so much has spread with travellers & collectors. Air travel now brings so many new items like tulip, new forms of zucchini etc.

The Indian  Green Revolution was with using Mexican dwarf wheat to create hybrids with Indian wheat.

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The Mexico connection

So your bread & chappaties have Mexican connection. There are trees of African origin that sea route traders from Kerala & Surat brought 2000-3000 years ago like Kalpatru (Baobab of Adansonia digitata species).

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There was a genetic study of several Baobabs in India, which established which area of Africa they each came from 1000 – 3000 years back – very interesting. Even our forests have trees that came to India hundreds (colonialists contribution) or even thousands of years ago, with travellers of even birds. The Euphorbia tirukalli, which was discovered, described & given an South Indian species name by a Britisher, was recently discovered (with genetic studies), to have originated from South Africa and brought by migrating birds to Kerala, few thousand years back. So just enjoy what we  have as a huge range of choices, which keep expanding.

Rama Tyagi

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(by Amrita)
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सर्दी, स्वाद और सेहत🌿

सर्दी का आगाज़ हो चुका है. ठंडक दस्तक दे चुकी है. मार्गशीर्ष माह के धीरे-धीरे आगे बढ़ने के साथ-साथ सर्दी अपना ताना बाना बुनने लगी है.धूप लुभावनी और हवा कंटीली लगने लगी है.माँ के गर्भ से निकलने पर अनायास शिशु ठंडक का एहसास करता है कुछ उसी तरह हम बड़े लोग भी हिंदी कैलेंडर के नवें महीने में ठंडक महसूस करने लगते हैं. फिर वही स्वेटर, गर्म कपड़ों से अपने शरीर को सहज करने की कवायत शुरू हो गई है.बहुतों को इस मौसम का आनंद लेने में मज़ा आता है. और इसी के साथ शरीर को खान-पान से भी गर्म रखने के उपक्रम भी शुरू होने लगते हैं. प्रकृति प्रेमी और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य के प्रति सजग लोग यह समाधान पेड़ पौधों के उत्पादों में खोजते हैं. वैसे भी हमारा देश बहुतेरी संस्कृतियां बटोरे हुए है तो हर सौ पचास मील पर तरह-तरह के खान-पान और व्यंजन हैं.आमतौर पर कुछ ऐसे व्यंजन और अनाज हैं जिनका हम ऋतु बदलने के साथ इंतज़ार करने लगते हैं.यह हमारे व्यवहार का हिस्सा जो बन गए हैं.सर्दी आते ही एक अलग ही तरह की गंध और एहसास माहौल में पसरने लगते हैं.हम ज़बान और मन में बसी उन गंधों को और स्वादों को टटोलने लगते हैं जिनसे हमें शरीर के साथ-साथ रिश्तों की गरमाहट भी मिल सके. इस मामले में हमारा देश बहुत समृद्ध है. बदलते मौसम के साथ बहुत से व्यंजन यहाँ की लगभग हर रसोई में मौजूद हैं. जो स्वादिष्ट तो हैं ही गुणकारी भी हैं.और कमोबेश हर आमोखा़स की पंहुच में भी हैं . जैसे बथुये का रायता,चने का निमोना,मटर की उसल, उंधियु, बाजरे की दलिया, बाजरे की रोटी, मक्के की रोटी,सरसों का साग, तिलगुड़, नॉलेन जीरेन गुड़, बाजरे के पुए, गाजर का हलवा,तिल के लड्डू,अलसी के लड्डू,गोंद बादाम पाक, मंडुए की रोटी आदि, आदि. महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि प्रकृति हमें जीवनोपयोगी यह सभी वस्तुएँ सहज ही ऋतु अनुसार उपलब्ध कराती है.आइए कुछेक खास अनाज और साग के बारे में कुछ जाने.


बथुआ साग नहीं एक औषधि है.सागों का सरदार है बथुआ,सबसे अच्छा आहार है बथुआ.बथुआ को अंग्रेजी में Lamb’s Quarters कहते हैं.इसका वैज्ञानिक नाम Chenopodium album है.

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प्रकृति में यहाँ-वहाँ बिखरे हुए जवाहरातों की तरह बथुआ एक ऐसी दैवीय देन है जो बहुत आसानी से उपलब्ध है. दैवीय उपहार इसलिए कि हर वर्ग और प्राणी के लिए ये सहज ही उपलब्ध है बिल्कुल हवा और पानी की तरह. इसमें प्राकृतिक रूप से स्वर्ण पाया जाता है.साग और रायता बना कर बथुआ अनादि काल से खाया जाता रहा है, लेकिन क्या आपको पता है कि विश्व की सबसे पुरानी महल बनाने की पुस्तक शिल्प शास्त्र में लिखा है कि हमारे बुजुर्ग अपने घरों को हरा रंग करने के लिए पलस्तर में बथुआ मिलाते थे?हमारी बुजुर्ग महिलायें सिर से ढेरे व फाँस (डैंड्रफ) साफ करने के लिए बथुए के पानी से बाल धोया करती थीं.बथुआ गुणों की खान है.बथुआ  विटामिन B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 और C से भरपूर है तथा बथुए में कैल्शियम, लोहा, मैग्नीशियम, मैगनीज, फास्फोरस, पोटाशियम, सोडियम व जिंकआदि मिनरल्स पाए जाते हैं.

जब बथुआ मट्ठा, लस्सी या दही में मिला दिया जाता है तो यह किसी भी मांसाहार से ज्यादा प्रोटीन वाला व किसी भी अन्य खाद्य पदार्थ से ज्यादा सुपाच्य व पौष्टिक आहार बन जाता है.साथ में बाजरे या मक्का की रोटी, मक्खन व गुड़ की डली हो तो इसे खाने के लिए देवता भी तरसते हैं.

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जब हम बीमार होते हैं तो आजकल डाक्टर सबसे पहले विटामिन की गोली खाने की सलाह देते हैं.गर्भवती महिला को खासतौर पर विटामिन बी, सी व आयरन की गोली बताई जाती है। बथुए में ये सब कुछ है। कहने का तात्पर्य है कि बथुआ पहलवानों से लेकर गर्भवती महिलाओं तक, बच्चों से लेकर बूढों तक, सबके लिए अमृत समान है . बथुआ का साग प्रतिदिन खाने से गुर्दों में पथरी नहीं होती.बथुआ अमाशय को बलवान बनाता है,गर्मी से बढ़े हुए यकृत को ठीक करता है.बथुए के साग का सही मात्रा में सेवन किया जाए तो निरोग रहने के लिए सबसे उत्तम औषधि है.बथुए का सेवन कम से कम मसाले डालकर करें.नमक न मिलाएँ तो अच्छा है,यदि स्वाद के लिए मिलाना पड़े तो काला नमक मिलाएँ और देशी गाय के घी से छौंक लगाए.बथुए का उबला हुआ पानी अच्छा लगता है तथा दही में बनाया हुआ रायता बहुत स्वादिष्ट होता है.किसी भी तरह बथुआ नित्य सेवन करें। बथुआ कब्ज दूर करता है और अगर पेट साफ रहेगा तो कोई भी बीमारी शरीर में लगेगी ही नहीं ताकत और स्फूर्ति बनी रहेगी.बथुये का रस,उबाला हुआ पानी पियें तो यह खराब लीवर को भी ठीक कर देता है. मकान को रंगने से लेकर खाने व दवाई तक में बथुआ काम आता है।

बाजरा भारतीय कृषि का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है. बाजरा जिसे अंग्रेज़ी में पर्ल मिलैट( pearl millete ) के नाम से जाना जाता है, राजस्थान की खास खरीफ फसल है क्योंकि वहाँ का मौसम इसकी खेती के लिए मुफीद है.बाजरे की तासीर गरम होने के कारण यह सर्दी के लिए अच्छा अनाज है.बाजरे की खिचड़ी, रोटी और पुए  आज भी सर्दी की रसोई के स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन हैं. बाजरे में पोटैशियम, कैलशियम, मैगनीशियम  पाया जाता है. इसमें प्रोटीन और फाइबर की मात्रा  अच्छी होने के कारण यह सेहत के लिए अच्छा है.

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सर्दी के मौसम में बाजरा और इससे बने व्यंजन पसन्द किए जाते हैं.ये गर्म और शुष्क होता है इसलिए इसे घी के साथ खाना अच्छा माना जाता है. तिल, गुण और घी से बने बाजरे के पुए का स्वाद ही अलग है. बाजरे की टिक्की, बाजरे की दलिया कढ़ी के साथ बहुत अच्छी लगती है. हमलोग भी बचपन में माँ के हाथ की बाजरे की रोटी को सीमेंट की रोटी कहकर खा ही लेते थे.अब बड़े होने पर भारतीय रसोई के गुण समझ आ रहे हैं.यह भी जान पा रहे हैं कि जरूरत से ज्यादा भी चीज़ों को खाना अच्छा नहीं होता जैसे यह अनाज फाइबर अधिक होने के कारण देर से पचता है. इसे शाम के भोजन का हिस्सा बनाना ठीक है. घी के साथ खाना ही उचित है वरना ये शरीर में खुश्की पैदा कर सकता है इसीलिए शायद घी के साथ खाने का विधान है.पर स्वाद लाजवाब है इसका. 


मक्के की रोटी और सरसों के साग के दीवाने तो बहुतायत में मिल जाएंगे. सरसों भी गरम है और मक्का भी. हां इससे बनने वाले व्यंजन में रेशे की मात्रा अधिक होती है.अदरक, लहसुन की गरमी और स्वाद से तैयार ये व्यंजन के दीवाने हर उम्र वर्ग है.खास बात तो यह है कि पिज़्ज़ा, बर्गर वाली वर्तमान पीढ़ी की जीभ भी इसे देखकर लपलपाने लगती है.मक्के का बॉटनिकल नाम Zea maize है इसमें कैलशियम, मैगनीशियम और फाइबर पाया जाता है. मक्का हड्डियों को मजबूत बनाने में मदद करता है.

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कोलेस्ट्रोल को कम करने के लिए मक्का सेवन करना बहुत ही फायदेमंद माना जाता है. इसमें विटामिन सी, फाइबर, कैरोटेनॉइड और बायोफ्लेविनॉइड्स के भरपूर गुण पाए जाते हैं, जो धमनियों को ब्लॉक होने से रोकते हैं.वहीं स्वीट कॉर्न में विटामिन B5 और B9 पाया जाता है. ये शरीर में फोलिक एसिड की कमी पूरी करता है.एनीमिया जैसी समस्याओं में मक्के के आटे से बनी रोटी का सेवन अच्छा रहता है. मक्के में पर्याप्त मात्रा में फाइबर पाया जाता है. जो हमारे ब्लड में कोलेस्ट्रॉल का स्तर बढ़ने नहीं देता. यह आंखों के लिए भी फायदेमंद है.सर्दी में चाव से खाए जाने मक्का/भुट्टा की तासीर भी गर्म होती है इसलिए इसके खाने के बाद तुरंत पानी पीने से बचना चाहिए.हां हर चीज़ का सेवन संतुलित मात्रा में ही करना चाहिए.मक्के के बहुत से स्वादिष्ट व्यंजनों का मज़ा आप ले सकते हैं जैसे मक्के की टिक्की, मक्के का डोसा और इडली, मक्के का उपमा और उत्तपम इत्यादि.मकई/मक्का हमें खाना पकाने का तेल भी देती है और मिठास के लिए सीरप वाला विकल्प भी.मकई के तेल का मेयोनीज़ और सलाद ड्रेसिंग बनाने में या सब्जियां भूनने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है.


मंडुआ जिसे फिंगर मिलेट (finger millete) के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, सर्दी में खाया जाने वाला बेहतरीन अनाज है.यह भी गरम होता है इसमें प्रोटीन और फाइबर कीश्रअच्छी मात्रा होती है.इसका वानस्पतिक नाम Eleusine coracana है.

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मंडुआ के आटे में आयरन भी पर्याप्त मात्रा में पाया जाता है. एनीमिया और कम हीमोग्लोबिन से जूझ रहे मरीजों के लिए भी इसे खाना लाभदायक है.मड़ुआ का सेवन शरीर को प्राकृतिक रूप से आराम देने में मदद करता है.यह चिंता, अवसाद, अनिद्रा की स्थिति में लाभकारी है. यह माईग्रेन के लिए भी उपयोगी है.इस में प्राकृतिक शर्करा की मात्रा कम होने की वजह से इसकी उपयोगिता और भी बढ़ जाती है.पर किडनी से संबंधित रोगी और थायराइड की समस्या वालों को इसे सावधानी से खाना चाहिए.मंडुआ की रोटी, डोसा और उपमा बहुत स्वाद से खाए जाने वाले व्यंजन हैं.

वैसे तो और भी बहुत से रोचक व्यंजन हैं जो सर्दी में बड़ी रुचि से खाए जाते हैं पर उंधियु की  बात न हो ऐसा हो नहीं सकता.उंधियु गुजरात महाराष्ट्र में बहुत ही चाव से सर्दी में उपलब्ध सब्जियों से बनाया जाने वाला व्यंजन है.

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इसकी तरह तरह से बनाए जाने वाली विधियाँ भी मौजूद हैं. बड़े संयम से बनाए जाने वाले उंधियु का इंतज़ार सर्दी के आगमन से शुरू हो जाता है. इसे पूरी सर्दी भर यथासंभव बनाया जाता है.उत्तर भारत में हम भी जितनी भी उपलब्ध सब्जियां हैं उनकी सहायता से इसे बना कर स्वादेंद्रियों को संतुष्ट कर सकते हैं,स्वस्थ रह सकते हैं.भारतीय रसोई में सेहत और स्वाद का एक पूरा संसार है. प्रकृति भी मां सदृश   शाक और अनाज सहूलियत से मुहैया करवाती रहती है.बस हमें उसके प्यार- भरे स्पर्श और आहटों को समझने की ज़रूरत है.बहुत नहीं तो उसकी थोड़ी ही बात यदि हम अपना लें तो खुद भी खुश रह सकते हैं और अपने आस-पास के माहौल को भी प्रफुल्लित रख सकते हैं. तो आइए इस बार  इस सर्दी में हम अपनी रसोई और आदतों में कुछ बदलाव करें.😊🙏🌿💦💕 कुछ बेहतर खाएं, खिलाएं और खुशियाँ फैलाएं.
(सभी चित्र गूगल से)
स्वस्थ रहें🌿मस्त रहें🙏

अर्चना प्रमोद


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Though services rendered by this person go beyond words, it would be an honour for us to know that Mrs Rama Tyagi, our mentor and guide has been felicitated by COMMISSIONER, J & K Municipal Corporation for her services rendered for that region.

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As the auspicious date of organising the Annual Flower Show draws neat (25, 26, 27 Feb 2023), the members of the society start coming in top gear.

So the first meeting was held at the residence of Dr Goel. And the terrace garden of Dr Goel was a treat to all the eyes.

Bird’s Eye view of terrace of Dr Goel

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