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From the Editor’s Desk

The trends are threatening…

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As of now, there are about 190 countries who have taken pledge to slow down the emission of Green House Gases (GHG).

Worldwide, the leaders had pledged to restrict the temperature of the earth rising by only 1.5 Deg C by year 2030, as compared to levels pre-industrial era. However, those levels are not likely to be met, resulting in a rise of 2.4 C, leading to disaster.

As the leaders meet for 27th Conference of Parties (COP27), the data shows no country has been able to go beyond words. Climate disasters are reaching unprecedented levels. And the worst affected are the low- and middle-income countries like India. Such disasters have claimed 1.23 million lives and levied an economic burden of $3 trillions.

Urgent measures are being taken at some levels to cut emissions; fine. But what about the problems that the people, especially in developing nations, are facing due to emissions that have already happened?

However, we need to take mitigation actions. This can be done on two fronts. One, stop adding anymore greenhouse gases. Two, increase the ability of earth to absorb more of GHGs, like Carbon Dioxide etc.

A common man also can be a partner to saving our earth.

USE LESS ELECTRICITY, especially when it comes from burning fossil fuels. Promote use of solar panels and unconventional energies.

Build the structures energy efficient.

This is an image of several offshore wind turbines, with an ocean horizon.

Shrink carbon footprints of food. Today, one fifth of the carbon emissions come from raising the animals for consumption. To multiply this effect, forests are often cut for the cattle to graze.

We must encourage plant-based diet, and the food which is grown locally. In fact, we must reject the food which has travelled long distances and preserved. Each food that is being sold in the market must have the value of carbon footprints on the packaging, so that people can make informed decision. Reduce food waste.

This is an image of tomatoes on the vine, chick peas, sliced avocados, carrots, and onions.

Choose the means of travel which have minimum carbon footprint. We can resort to car-pooling, cycling, walking etc.

This is an image of an electric bike parked outside alongside a waterway.

Reduce emissions from the industries.

Increase the number of Carbon sinks. For example, planting of bamboo etc can increase carbon sinks.

Jai Hind!

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Gardening in November

Winters are round the corner. The cool breeze, romantic atmosphere, time to sit with a morning hot cup of tea or coffee to enjoy in the winter sun too. Be it in the balcony or garden.

  But you have some busy times regarding planting of annuals, be it flowers or vegetables, to enjoy more.

How to Grow Winter Flower Seeds ?

The ideal temperature for these winter flowers is 10° to 25° Celcius. Buy good quality flower seeds and sow them around 1 inch deep in the potting mix. You can sow them in regular soil also. But for the best germination rate, use 70% vermicompost with 30% sand or cocopeat. Note: While sowing, ensure that seeds don’t overlap each other.

See the source image

Best time to sow winter flower seeds is right before the winter sets in. So October to November is the ideal sowing period.

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After 15 to 20 days, you notice that seedlings have grown to about 3-4 inches tall. At this point, they can be transplanted to the potting mix. Some seeds can be planted directly on the ground or containers.  For potting mix use 30% organic compost/vermicompost, 20% fine sand, and 50% Normal soil.

Note: Make sure the pot is at least 6 inches deep so that roots can grow easily

We had sowed some seeds last month. Saplings have to be transplanted now so they get settled before winter sets in. They will get enough time to get hardened. As watering needs to be less so restrict watering. Water only when required. Watering should be done in the morning. Wash the dew from plants to protect from sunburn.

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Evening watering is not advisable but if required then water around 3to 4 pm, so sufficient time is there to drain and dry. No plant likes wet feet. Wet feet can result in root rots. Apply mulch if the weather cools.

  • Regular monthly application of fertilisation is essential.
  • Plants need 4-6 hours of direct sunlight which is necessary for better flowering.
  • Some plants need pinching for bushy growth and more branches.
  • Growing your own plants requires love , dedication,care and patience.
  • Select a few varieties in the beginning may be just 3 to 4 varieties and which are hardy and require less attention.
  • When you succeed, graduate to more varieties.
  • Same goes for bulbs starting with freesias ,liliums,ixias and so on.
  • It will take around 2 months for a flower to bloom from a seed.Though some may take more  time to bloom.
  • Apply mulch to protect your plants from frost. Applying mulch to soil will protect frost and provide required warmth.

Some suggestions for winter season flowers are

Sweet peasAlyssumDaisy
Sweet sultanAcroclinumCornflower

Besides these try some seeds from your kitchen like

Poppy, Nigella, Til, Aniseed .

They will attract lots of butterflies and small birds. Spray bio enzymes regularly to keep pests away.

Happy Gardening.

Rama Tyagi

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Each one of us has been feeling the effect of the Climate Change. And the worst may be still to come, if we do not try to adapt. Climate change has not started to affect the food production, food stability and nutritional security across the countries. Erratic rain falls that we have experienced, increase in temperatures, and prolonged droughts, all combined, have a notable effect on the crops. They have affected the plant growth, causing shorter grain filling periods, reduced yields. There is another factor that is tending to play havoc. High temperatures are causing rapid evaporation, resulting in soil dryness and thus lowering their nutrition uptake.

See the source image

Our farmers need to be very careful, because they are responsible to ensure nutrition of the billions. It is important to create strategic and sustainable solutions.

A way forward is inclusion of millets in farming and in our diets.  Millets include SORGHUM (JOWAR), PEARL MILLET (BAJRA), FINGER MILLET (RAGI), barnyard, foxtail, brown top and other varieties, which can be termed as “super-grain”.

See the source image

These crops are rich sources of

  • Macronutrients
  • Micronutrients
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorous (about 250 mg/100Gm)
  • Potassium (about 300 mg/Gm)
  • Protein and essential amino acids. (Protein about 11.0 G/100Gm)

They also have a low Glycemic Index (GI), which can help prevent Type II Diabetes., cardio-vascular diseases, lower blood pressure and improve gut health.

After the green revolution, system has fallen for crash crops like cotton, soyabean, maize etc. but these are high water demanding crops, and less water efficient crops. Whereas Millet uses only one third of the water required by crops like rice, wheat, sugarcane etc. Millets can also grow in relatively arid environments, with almost one third of the other inputs like feretilisers etc.

Millets have a rich cultural history in India, dating back to about 12000 years back. But rapid urbanization and changing lifestyles have led to gradual loss of traditional knowledge about millets. Slowly, rice and wheat gained more popularity, even though PDS system.

Today, however, we will agree that we need to change our preferences.

(the information/content taken from an article in TOI).

Sushil Bhatia

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जैविक सब्जी उत्पादन मे संवनित कीट प्रबंधन

ग्रह वाटिका मे सब्जी उत्पादन की उच्च गुणवत्ता एवं अच्छे उत्पादन के लिए फसल को स्वस्थ बनाए रखना अति आवश्यक है इसके लिए जो भी सब्जी उत्पादन की योजना बनाई जा रही है उसके प्रमुख कीट एवं बीमारियों की पहचान और उनके नियंत्रण की विस्तृत जानकारी उत्पादक को होना चाहिए वैसे तो अलग अलग सब्जी फसलों मे अलग अलग कीट का प्रकोप होता है फिर भी कीट सभी प्रकार की सब्जियों मे लगाता आक्रमण करके उत्पादक को आर्थिक रूप से पहुंचाते हैं \ यात : मुख्य कीतो को सब्जी उत्पादकों को जानना आवश्यक है |

प्रबंधन के लिए निवारक सांस्कृतिक तरीके

  • बुवाई की तिथि
  • रिक्ति
  • खरपतवार प्रबंधन
  • गहरी जुताई
  • मृदा सौरीकरण

भौतिक प्रबंधन

  • बीज उपचार
  • उचित स्वच्छता
  • नर्सरी प्रबंधन
  • कीट प्रबंधन
  • वाइरस

प्रमुख सब्जी रोग फूल एवं फलों का गिरना

  • गिरा देना
  • लीफ स्पॉट
  • लीफ ब्लाइट्स
  • एन्थ्रेक्नोज

सब्जियों में रोगों के अन्य कारण

  • जड़ सड़ना
  • डाउनी मिल्ड्यू
  • पाउडर रूपी फफूंद
  • मोज़ेक और पत्ता कर्ल
  • कवक
  • जीवाणु
  • वायरल
  • निमेटोड

खराब बीज

  • बीज
  • धरती
  • हवा
  • कीट कीट

अनुपजाऊ मिट्टी एवं अनुकूल मिट्टी का न होना

  • ट्राइकोडर्मा
  • स्यूडोमोनास
  • बेसिलस
  • गाय


  • जल
  • नीम का तेल

महत्वपूर्ण सब्जी वाली फसले

  • टमाटर
  • आलू
  • प्याज लहसुन
  • मिर्च
  • बैंगन
  • ओकरा
  • मटर और बीन्स
  • ककड़ी की फसलें
  • जड़ वाली फसलें
  • मसाला फसलें
  • आर्द गलन रोग

पतेदार सब्जियां

पौधशाला (नर्सरी ) की बहुत गंभीर बीमारी है | पौधे अंकुरण से पहले और बाद मे भी मर जाते है |


  • बीज का उपचार ढाई ग्राम ऐमीसान या कैप्टान या थीराम दवाई एक किलो बीज मे मिलाकर करें |
  • उगने के बाद पौधों को गिरने से बचाने के लिए 0.2 ( 2 ग्राम दवा प्रति लीटर पानी मे ) कैप्टान का छिड़काव से नर्सरी की सिंचाई करे |

पति मरोड़ व काली धारियों वाला तथा मौजेक आदि विषाणु रोग

पौधों की बढवार रुक जाती है , पतियाँ मोटी ,भद्दी , मुड़ी हुई हो जाती है | तने पर धारियाँ पड़ जाती है | फल बहुत ही छोटा रह जाता है | जो मरा हुआ सा दिखाई देता है |


स्वस्थ और रोगरहित बीज लें |बीमारी फैलाने वाले कीड़ों का नर्सरी व खेतों मे रोकथाम करें |

400 मिली मैलाथियान 50 ई सी को 200-250 लीटर पानी मे मिलाकर प्रति एकड़ 15 दिन के अंतर पर छिडकांव करें |

रोगी पौधों को आरंभ मे ही निकालकर नष्ट कर दें |

ऐन्थक्नोज व स्कैब

बेल वाली सब्जियों के पतों व फलों पर धब्बे पड़ जाते है तथा अधिक नमी वाले मौसम मे इन धब्बों पर गोद जैसा पदार्थ दिखाई देता है |


  • 400 ग्राम इंडोफिल एम – 45 200 लीटर पानी मे प्रति एकड़ के हिसाब से छिड़काव करें |

पाउडरी मिलडयू या चिट्टा रोग

पत्तों,तनों और पौधों के दूसरे भागों पर फफूंदी की सफेद आटे जैसी तह जाम जाती है | यह रोग खुश्क मौसम मे ज्यादा लगता है |


  • 8-10 किगा प्रति एकड़ बारीक गंधक का धूडा धूडने खरबूजे पर गंधक न धूडे  |
  • 500 ग्राम घुलनशील गंधक ( सलफेकस  या वेट सल्फ ) 200 लीटर पानी मे प्रति एकड़ ) छिड़काव करें |

आलू के ऐपिकल लीफ कर्ल वायरस नियंत्रण

  • बौने से पहले आलू के के बीज ट्यूबर को 10 मिनट के लिए 0.04  प्रति इमिडाक्लोरोपरिड  के घोल मे डुबाएं |
  • फसल उगने के 15 दिन बाद सफेद मक्खी के नियंत्रण के लिए 0.04 प्रति इमिडाक्लोरोपरिड का छिडकांव करें | 15 दिन बाद पुन : छिडकांव करें |
  • जिन इलाकों मे ‘लेट ब्लाइट ‘ की समस्या नही या उपयुक्त उपाय उपलब्ध है वहा पर कुफ़री भार किस्म को इस रोग के लिए प्रतिरोधी पाया गया है |

वायरल रोगों का प्रबंधन

• विश्वसनीय स्रोतों से हमेशा वायरस मुक्त प्रमाणित बीज का उपयोग करें।

• अगेती फसल अवधि में पहली बार दिखाई देने पर संक्रमित पौधों को जड़ से उखाड़ दें

• रोग या मेटासिस्टोक्स 250 मिली/एकड़ जैसे कीटनाशकों का छिड़काव करके एफिड आबादी को नियंत्रण में रखें।

• दिसंबर के चौथे सप्ताह में जब एफिड का प्रकोप शुरू हो जाए (20 एफिड / 100 पत्ते) कंदों को काट लें और फरवरी के अंत तक पकने के लिए कंदों को मिट्टी में छोड़ दें।

पर्पल बलाच

फूलों की डंडी पर तथा पतियों पर जामुनी या गहरे भूरे डब्बे धब्बे बनते है जो बाद मे बीज को हानी पहुंचाते है | प्रकोप  प्याज व लहसुन की कन्द वाली फसल पर भी होता है |

इंडोफिल एक 45 या कापर आक्सीकलोराइड 400-500 ग्राम  प्रति रोकथाम एकड़ 200-250 लीटर पानी मेतथा चिपकने वाले पदार्थ  ( सैलवेट – 99 , 10 ग्राम या ट्रीटान 50 मिली / 100 लीटर पोल ) के साथ मिलाकर , 10-15 के अंतर पर छिड़काव करें |

ब्लैक राट ( गलन रोग )

अंग्रेजी भाषा के वी टद्ध आकार के पीले धब्बे पत्तों के किनाओ पर दिखाई देते है जो बाद मे गहरे काले व भूरे हो जाते है | पत्तों के नसें काली पड़ जाती है और पते सुखकर गिर जाते है |


  • बीज ऐसे क्षेत्र से प्राप्त करे जो जीवाणुज रोग से मुक्त हो और पौधे भी रोगरहित हो | ऐमिसान या कैप्टान या थाइराम 2.5 ग्राम प्रति किलो बीज की दर से बीज का उपचार करें |
  • 0.02 स्ट्रेपटोसाईक्लीन ( 200 मि ग्राम ) को एक लीटर पानी मे मिलाकर तथा 0.1 कापर आक्सीकलोराइड 50 ( एक ग्राम प्रति लीटर मे घोलकर ) 2-3 छिडकांव करें | फसल कटाई के बाद बचे हुए बीमारी वाले कूदे कचरे के ढेर को जलाकर नष्ट करें |

Rama Tyagi

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Tales of Trees


Nelumbo nucifera

Indian lotus

Family : Nymphaeaceae

Nelumbum means water bean, lotus .It is Neo Latin coming from Singhalese NELUMBU

The word lotus comes from Greek Lotos.

In Hindu mythology the lotus is the cradle of the universe. When Vishnu lay upon the waters, a lotus flowered from the navel of VISHNU -Brahma, the creator emerged from it and created the world.

Aryan Hindus associate DEVI LAKSHMI with lotus since she sprang from waters with lotus during Samudra Manthan.

Most of our Gods are shown holding  lotus in their hands.

Vedas mention inner core of where atma (soul) dwells as being lotus shaped.

The heart ,the gods abode is referred as Hridyakamalam.

Lotus occupies topmost place in our scriptures. The lotus is a water plant.

The bluish green leaves are round, waxy and very large. The flowers are multi petals, colors are white, pink, yellow and red. The roots and seeds are eaten, the latter being heart stimulant.

The lotus which is native from India but now cultivated all around the world with many hybrids.

Rama Tyagi

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I learnt of Bird Migration from this

Old memories die hard. Me and my little sister used to go to our maternal uncles’ place during our summer holidays. That was a small sleepy village called Kachhauna (Balamau), under Distt. Hardoi, UP (India). That used to be the months of April/May. At that time, villages were still untouched by the concrete jungles, so we could roam around in the vast fields, dotted by small hutments. At many a times, I used to see a pair of large birds flying over our mud houses, which now I know were most likely the Demoiselle cranes.

The World Migratory Bird Day is celebrated twice a year, once on second Saturday of May and second on second Saturday of October.

At least 4000 different species of bird travel long distances around the globe in search of food, spend winters in warmer regions before coming home. The purpose of the World Migratory bird Day is to increase public awareness on the issues migrating birds encounter, their ecological importance, and the need for global cooperation to safeguard them.

The theme for this time is #light pollution. Several long-distance migrations are affected due to increased artificial light, and the birds are likely to get disoriented.

Few of the most beautiful migratory birds coming to India are Siberian Cranes, Amur Falcon, Greater Flamingo, Demoiselle Cranes, Bluethroat, Black-winged Stilt, Blue-tailed Bee-eater, Bar-headed Goose, etc.

Siberian Cranes migrate during winter to India. They fall in critically endangered species of migratory birds.

The Siberian Crane is presently an endangered species. Larger numbers of birds have been hunted down over the years especially when they undertake the perilous journeys across the Himalayas to reach the wet land.

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Migration map of Siberian Cranes from Russia to Gujarat

Amur Falcon are small raptors that breed in Siberia and migrate through North East India. They feed around Doyang lake in Nagaland.

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Route of a tracked Amur Falcon from Somalia to Nagaland

Greater Flamingo is the largest of all species of flamingo family, found in the Indian Sarovere Bird Sanctuary, Khijadya Bird Sanctury, Flamingo City in Gujarat during entire winter season.

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Demoiselle cranes spend the entire winter in India. They live in various environments, including desert in Rajasthan.

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Bar-headed Goose is the highest flying bird in the world and migrate to India every winter. They spend their winters in Assam to Tamil Nadu.

See the source image

Sushil Bhatia

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Whosoever has said that “where there is a will, there is a way” is not wrong. And Puman Tayal, who is a resident of Ghaziabad, has proved the proverb right.

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What you need is determination, and passion. With zeal and vigor, you can overcome the hurdles and create paradise.

And that is what Punam Tayal has done for herself, and for the planet green. You can make out the effort that must have gone in creating and maintaining these, as you can find each plant breaking into a smile.

And as she admits, she is banking upon mostly the homemade organic manures, like sarson-khali, cow dung manure etc.

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We live in this world today, which is full of constant struggle, be it at professional front, or at home environment. We more often than not find ourselves in stress and anxiety. And more than that, firstly, we do not recognise the symptoms of stress taking a toll on us; and even if we understand, we are afraid to ask for health, considering it to be a taboo.

Towards this, the theme of this year’s World Mental Health Day, being celebrated on 10 Oct, is “MAKE MENTAL HEALTH & WELL-BEING FOR ALL A GLOBAL PRIORITY”. It was first celebrated in year 1992.

The role of plants in relieving Stress

The plants, foliage, greenery and flowers, all have a calming, somber and peaceful effect on our psyche. They provide a natural environment where a person feels light and peaceful.

A study was conducted by National Institute of Health, where it was proved that the persons interacting with plants in any form were found to be more relaxed and stress-free, as compared to people working on computers. Besides, few specific plants have been found to be having a soothing effect in curing depression, anxiety etc.

Few of these plants are enumerated below.


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Lavender is one of the most commonly used plants for curing stress and anxiety due to its calming and soothing effects. This plant interacts with neurotransmitters and helps the brain reduce strenuous activities. Lavender oil is used widely as anti-depressant and used in anxiety pills.


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Its plant is most popular. The leaves of this plant are being used in making so many types of consumables in order to calm the mental state of the people. It is known for having a calming and soothing effect on the nervous system and helps in enhancing brain activity positively. Its extract and menthol are known to reduce frustration and anxiety.

Jade Plant:

Image result for jade plant

This indoor and easy plant is known to purify the air. The looks of the plant are naturally calming.

Aloe Vera:

Image result for aloe vera

Besides medical uses that this plant has, it is supposed to clean the air and reduces the irritation causing chemicals in the air.


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It is known for its stress-relieving properties. The chamomile tea is supposed to have the therapeutic effect and can help fight depression

Plants make us happy. When we work with the plants, we have a release of feel-good chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin and dopamine. A 2007 study found that a bacterium in soil called Mycobacterium vaccae triggers the release of serotonin, which helps lifting the mood and reduces anxiety.

Plants help improve attention and Reaction Time

American Journal of Public health examines the impact of green or naturaal settings on children with ADHD. Researchers found activities carried out in green settings significantly reduce symptoms of ADHD.

Sushil Bhatia

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(The article is adapted from ToI.)

We all have been planting trees, some out of passion to make it green, many children because Headmaster says this will make an impact, and some with an to make it to local papers. But if it has to be successful, then the sole purpose of tree plantation must be understood.

Is the planting being done to (a) make an habitat, or(b) a botanical garden, or (c) a small rooftop garden or (d) a small orchard? Once our aim is clear, half the work is done.

Image result for habitat for birds

The following points need to be kept in mind while planting trees.

(a) Choose a species that can flourish in local conditions. Like for Gurgaon, you should choose a specie that flourish in rocky and sandy soil.

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(b) Consider that during the life span of a tree, it will expand, including roots. Ensure that the tree is not planted near a foot path or a house, or a building. The chances are that over the years, it will spread the roots to damage the nearby structure.

(c) If the tree is being planted near the buildings or even your house, consider it does not block your sun light when it grows big.

(d) Check the drainage of the area before planting the sapling.

(e) Dig deep in the soil to make it easier for the roots to go in the soil.

(f) If you are planting on the terraces or balconies, do not plant big trees. You can go for shrubs which attract the bees and pollinators, like Lime, curry leaves, etc. Many creepers can easily grow in grow bags, like Morning glory, Passiflora, etc.

See the source image

(g) Nectar species like Ixora, Zinnia, Oleander, Jamaican spike, etc can be easily grown.

See the source image

Sushil Bhatia

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