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Photo Courtesy: Sonia Ji


One step taken by 1000 is equivalent to 1000 steps taken.

You don’t believe?

Let us realise. One fruit tree each planted by 1000 children is 1000 fruit trees.

One lamp each lighted by 1000 of us is equal to 1000 lamps.

And one bucket of water wasted each by 1000 of us is equal to 1000 buckets of water wasted.

So, if there is time, it is NOW. We are losing our planet one second every second. And if it has to be saved, it is only by all of our efforts only.

All of us, each taking one step forward, each day.

Consider the following.

Let each house in a society grow and nurture one vegetable plant in a container. ONLY ONE VEGETABLE PLANT EACH HOUSE! And one flowering plant or shrub. Is it impossible?

Let us help our children sow one tree each in and around areas where we live. And they be made responsible to look after it till it grows.

Let us vow to save at least one bucket of water each day by each one of us. Close that tap, when you do not need water, while brushing.

Let us try and not to switch on lights of one room each night. And vow to have our dinner together at the same place. And ensure the idiot box is off. (And all mobiles tucked away in a corner). Apart from saving on electricity, it is bound to give the family a closer knit. (We need this, too, very urgently).

Let us vow to keep some grains and a bowl of water in our balconies, for those little winged creatures flying past our balconies.

Shop for local food from local market, rather than demanding food that comes from Alaska! Avoid buying frozen items. They use plastics, and storage of them uses huge energies. Use reusable shopping bags. Say NO to packaged drinking water.

These small acts of ours go a long way to strengthen our belief that we care.

We care for our mother earth. We care for our environment. And we care what we are going to gift to our next generation in terms of cleaner air, clean water.

Jai Hind!

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Gardening Jobs in October 2022.

October is again a very busy month for gardeners.

  • Let’s first start with lawns. Apply ammonia sulphate or nitrate or soda by broadcasting in the evening. After an interval of fortnight. It’s time for a second dressing of lime.
  • Established Rose plants should be pruned and given a top dressing of manure or bone meal
  • The Planting of new rose plants should be done towards the end of the month.
  • Succession sowing at an interval of 10 days, or a fortnight should be done of all winter vegetables.
  • Those who want their winter annuals for exhibit purposes should pot early this month so that plants get enough time for development.
  • The planting of annual flower beds and borders must also be completed this month so that the seedlings may be well established before winter sets in.
  • Earlier bloomers: Select annuals when fall sown, will emerge as soon as mother nature cooperates, allowing the plants to germinate and bloom earlier than spring-sown annuals.
  • Sowing of seeds of Larkspur, Linaria, may be made in situ in beds and borders.
  • Robust Plants: Direct sowing results in most robust plants. When seeds are down indoors, they are bit lanky or spoiled even in moderate temperature and perfect growing medium. Transplanting does result in some plant shock while new root growth navigates native soil and plants get used to temperature swings outside in their new place.
  • Ease: Direct sowing is easy and carefree and also gets more time for plants to get established and get more blooming time.

Tips for Success

Mixing a little sand with seeds helps space seeds more evenly. This is more applicable to fine seeds like petunia, pansy.
Don’t forget to mark what and where you sowed with stakes.
If you are a balcony or terrace gardener do remember to harden the seedlings. Do not pot them immediately. Preferably buy in trays. Avoid loose seedlings.

Balcony gardeners should try to grow plants vertically.

Annuals you can successfully sow in October.

  • Acroclinum, Alyssum, Anchusa
  • Antirrhinum, African Daisy, Aster
  • Brachycome, Calceolaria, Calendula
See the source image
  • Candytuft, Carnation, Cineraria
  • Clarkia, Delphinium, Dianthus
  • Dimorphotheca, Eschscholzia (Californian poppy)
  • Gazania, Gerbera, Godetia
  • Gypsophila, Helichrysum, Hollyhock
  • Lupin, Marigold, Nasturtiums
  • Pansy, Petunia, Phlox
  • Primula, Statice, Sweet pea
  • Sweet William, Verbena, Viola
See the source image

These are all common varieties. One must try a few new varieties every year. I would also suggest throwing a few seeds at random to give a thrill of a wild garden. Though you grow annuals in beds or borders.

Essentials for cultivation.

  • Provide an open sunny position.
  • Good drainage
  • Feed soil with organic manure.
  • Stake plants which require staking specially which grow tall.

Stopping annuals. Stopping of young plants is required when you want to display blooms at a particular time or occasion. It also gives a more compact plant which gives blooms for a longer duration. Stopping can be adopted for almost all annuals. For example antirrhinum, clarkia, phlox, candy tuft, salvia, marigold, etc.

Suitable plants for edgings
Ageratum, Alyssum, Myosotis, linaria, Marigold, mesembryanthemum, mimulus, nasturtium, stock.

See the source image

Sweet peas: It is a vine which grows up to 8ft. The sweet peas need a very well dug soil up to 2ft. It should be richly manured with plenty of leaf mold and cow-dung manure. It prefers sunny position and good drainage. Plant the seeds in moist soil. Sow the seeds 4 in apart in two rows forming a triangular pattern. Cover the seeds with straw or fine mesh to protect seeds from birds and squirrels. Keep the soil moisten.
Pinch of the top 1cm of the plant when it’s 10 -15cms or has three pairs of leaves. Train one stem and develop that to grow. Cut axil leaves and tendrils. Remove all flower stalks until plant is around 60cm.

See the source image

Feed liquid cow dung manure once a week after the plant is established. Keep on removing faded and dead flowers.

Protect from green flies, birds, slugs and snails. Buds drop due to excess moisture in atmosphere and soil.


They can be propagated from seeds, cuttings, or division of tubers. They take 80-90 days to flower.

Soil and Manure: Dahlias love Sunshine but need protection from frost and cold winds. Soil should be well drained. Soil should have cow dung manure +bone meal +potash +leaf mold.

See the source image

For decorative dahlias do stopping and disbudding when the plant attains 40cm height.

Begonias. They are divided into three groups: Tuberous, Rhizomatous, and Fibrous.

  • The tuberous begonias like shady position. They can also be multiplied from cuttings also.
  • Rhizomatous can also be propagated from leaf cuttings also.B.rex
  • The fibrous roots can be propagated easily by root division. Ex.B. Semper Florens.
See the source image

Bulbs: The bulbs can be planted now.

The depth of planting varies according to the types. The depth should not be more than twice the height of the bulb. If planted too deep, it may rot or may not flower.

Soil and cultivation: A good soil mixture is:

  • Loam one part
  • Leaf mould one part.
  • Well-rotted manure half part
  • Bone Meal 4 tablespoons.
  • Lime and sand may be added if required. Lilies don’t like lime.

Bulbous plants like slightly acidic soil.

Over watering bulbs before buds causes rotting. Soil around the bulbs must be kept moist from planting till the end. Complete drying may prove disastrous. It is advisable to allow a bulb to form A well-developed eye before planting.

Cutting old and diseased foliage in the Autumn helps perennial plants jump right into new growth in the spring.

Most flowering plants and fruits should be pruned when they are dormant or off season, this is late October. Delay in pruning may result in less flowers and fruits.

Clean tools should be used for pruning.

Fertilise your plants after pruning.

Happy Gardening.

Rama Tyagi

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Vegetable gardening plays an important role in today’s scenario. It has become an essential requirement rather than a mere hobby. It’s a sustainable method to improve the quality of life.

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Winter is the best time to grow so many leafy vegetables and salad vegetables which can be eaten raw. Raw vegetables are best when they are fresh and pest free organic vegetables. This you can get when you grow yourselves in your home.

Once again I remind you to select a place which is sunny and open. If you are a beginner then start small and grow easy vegetables like Lettuce, Spinach, Fenugreek, Radish, Beet roots, Onions, Garlics etc.

Look after them well and you will get a good harvest. Make a Soil which is well drained so that all surface water may drain quickly.

Harvesting vegetables at the right time taste good and are rich in nutrients. Their quality is also good. The more you harvest you will get more produce.

See the source image

Vegetables planting /seed sowing

Beet root North India –October-Nov

  • Sow directly.
  • Sowing Depth –1in
  • Sowing Distance -4in
  • Days of maturity 80 to 90 days.

Broccoli -Sept to Oct

  •  Sowing by transplanting
  • Sowing Depth –1.5in
  • Sowing Distance 1ft plant to plant.
  • Plant 1 only in a 10in  pot.
See the source image

Cabbage – Sept to Oct

  • Sowing depth–0.25 in
  • Sowing by transplanting.
  • Sowing distance 1ft
  • Plant 1 only in a10 in  pot.
  • Days of maturity–90 to 100 days.

Carrots  – Aug to Oct

  •    Sowing Direct
  •    Sowing Depth –0.25
  •   Sowing Distance –Between Seeds –2in
  •    Days of maturity 75 -80 days.

Lettuces -Sept -Oct

  •   Sowing  Direct
  •    Sowing Depth — Surface sowing and cover lightly with soil.
  •     Days of maturity — 45 -55 days.
See the source image

Spinach Sept -Nov

  •    Sowing Direct
  •    Sowing 0.5
  •    Days of Maturity – 60 days.

You can plant Beet, Brinjal, Cabbage, Cauliflower, lettuce, Peas, Radish, Spinach and turnip, tomatoes.


  • Vegetables must have proper light ,moisture,and nutrients to grow.
  • Do plant companion plants like marigold, pansy, Nasturtium near them. We have discussed about them in previous articles.
  • If plants are not growing well , fertilizing them will help them grow well.
  • Then fertilisers are organic and inorganic.

Organic manures are manures from poultry, cow, or horse, bone meal, cotton seeds, and oil cakes of mustard, neem, peanuts and cotton.

Vegetables absorb these essential nutrients from soil which improves health, growth and productivity.

There are different ways to apply fertilisers to grow vegetables.

  • Apply as side dressings: This means sprinkling around the plant and then with the use of hoe into the soil.
  • Foliar spray: Adding fertiliser to water and then spraying on the leaves.
  • Top Dressing: When you apply fertiliser over the surface of the soil.

Vegetable gardens need a lot of nutrients to grow healthy and delicious vegetables. So whether you grow vegetables on ground or in pots, proper management will yield desired results in the form of good yields.

Rama Tyagi

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Courtesy: Sonia Ji

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Every animal, including Cheetas, have a definite role to play in the habitat that they live in. They are distinguished by spots and black tear-shaped stripes, that stretch from the inner corner of each eye to the mouth.  They have long legs, rounded heads, and claws that are non-retractable. They have strong and slim legs, that are meant to propel the animal from 0 to 75 KMPH in just 3 seconds.

Here are few interesting facts about them:

  • They are world’s fastest animals.
  • They do not roar, like lions and tigers. They meow and purr.
  • As per census in 2021, there were only more than 7100 cheetas in the wild on the whole planet.

To put it on record, they are the most successful of the carnivores, in the sense that they have 50 % of the success rate in hunting, while lion has only 25 % of success rate.

Cheetas are considered very important for an eco-system for various reasons. For one, they feed on small antelopes, rabbits etc. So, they keep their population under check. Second, they tend to abolish the weak and sick animals, thus keeping the herds healthy.

Apart from this, the herds of deer, antelopes keep moving from one place to others, generally driven by the presence of such carnivores. Else we will find over-grazing in certain places and eco system can go out of balance at that place.

And more than anything else, they are the nature’s gift to us and need to be preserved.

There are many factors that tend to reduce the population of cheetas. Though they are most successful hunters, their kill is often stolen by the larger carnivores, their elder brothers like tiger and lions, or by other predators like hyenas, or by pack of wild dogs.

Adult mortality is also one of the significant factors in limiting their population growth. Poaching, competition with other larger predators, and loss of habitat and prey are the major factors. (all photos, information: courtesy Internet)

Sushil Bhatia

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What is sustainable utilization?
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How to Clean Your Houseplants to Get Rid of Dust and Pests? Like any piece of decor, your indoor plants can get dusty and dirty too. To keep your houseplants, stay healthy and thrive, they need a few basics. Giving them regular waterings and the right amount of light is essential, of course. But did you know that houseplants also benefit from a thorough cleaning once in a while?
Dust on leaves can actually block sunlight, and dead leaves can make your whole plant look messy. Whenever you start spring cleaning the rest of your house, you might as well give your houseplants a little extra attention too. Not only will cleaning your houseplants keep them looking their best, but you’ll be more aware of any pests or other problems they might be having.

  • The Best Ways to Clean Houseplants
    In nature, rain often does the job of cleaning off plants. One of the best ways to clean many tropical houseplants is with a gentle spray of water. Move smaller or compact houseplants like pothos or pilea into a sink. Place larger plants in the shower. Rinse them off with lukewarm water to get rid of pests and dust. Keep the water pressure low and don’t use hot or cold water because extreme temperatures can damage leaves. During the warmer months, you can move your houseplants outdoors to a shaded spot and gently spray them off with a hose.
  • To clean more delicate, small houseplants such as ferns, another option is to submerge the leaves in a bucket of tepid water. First, support the plant and its soil with your fingers. Then, turn the pot mostly upside down until you can dunk the leaves underwater and swish them around a little.
    For bigger houseplants with large, smooth leaves (think: peace lilies and fiddle leaf figs), a quick dusting with a soft, damp cloth can be easier than lugging them off to the shower. Support each leaf from underneath with one hand to avoid accidentally damaging it as you run the dust cloth over it with the other hand.
  • Got fuzzy-leafed plants like African violets or panda plants? It’s best to avoid getting their leaves wet, but a dust cloth won’t help much. Instead, try using a soft-bristle paint brush, soft toothbrush, or pipe cleaner. Gently brush from the base of each leaf to the tip to dislodge dust, fuzz, and other debris.
  • (Garden Tip: Don’t use oils or polishes to make houseplant leaves shine; these products can block pores, which can interfere with a plant’s ability to breathe.)

Houseplant with wilting leaves

Yellowing or dried out leaves like these on a hibiscus should be removed regularly. Remove Dead Leaves.
Clean off any dead or yellowing leaves regularly from your houseplants. For some plants, these will come away with a gentle tug or slight twist of your wrist. If a leaf resists, don’t force it to come off because you could end up breaking stems or even uprooting the whole plant. Instead, use floral snips or scissors to nip the leaf off as close to the stem as possible. Ferns are a special case; reach under their green fronds and cut off any brown leaf stalks at the soil line. Shorten or remove any leafless, string-like stems on your ferns, too.

For blooming houseplants, keep your indoor garden looking tidy by deadheading any withered blossoms and flower stalks. Plus, removing old flowers often encourages new blooms to form. Clean up any petals and leaves that have fallen on the soil surface to discourage mould, disease, or pests such as fungus gnats. You could even go one step further and repot your houseplants into a larger container with fresh potting mix if it’s been a while.

Care of Plants in winter .

  1. Cut back on watering.
  2. Pay attention to sunlight.
  3. Don’t worry about a few dropped leaves.
  4. Avoid temperature extremes.
  5. Pause the fertiliser. For us Winter is not as the quiet season in the garden because our most annual flowers need attention, but outdoor perennial plants aren’t doing much. It’s the same for our indoor garden. Of course, our house plants don’t have to endure snow and chilly winds whipping across the landscape. Yet, growing conditions in our home do change in several subtle ways during the colder, darker months of the year.
    You’ll need to adjust how you care for your houseplants in winter to keep them healthy and thriving. Use these tips to ensure your leafy friends continue to fill your home with their lushness and natural beauty through the depths of winter.
  6. Cut back on watering. Winter means less light, and generally speaking, less light means less water. The more sunlight a plant receives, the thirstier it will be over time, Marino explains. With limited sunlight in winter, plants use less water than they do when they are actively growing in spring and summer. “A plant that you watered every week in summer might now prefer to go two weeks without water”.

Instead of following a schedule, it’s better to check how the potting mix feels before watering. Poke your finger at least an inch into the soil. If it’s dry, water the plant thoroughly. If it’s moist, wait a couple more days and check the soil again. If you’d rather not get your fingers dirty, use a moisture meter. “Remember, it’s easier to add water than to remove it! So, lean toward the side of underwatering if you want to be extra cautious,” Marino says.Pay attention to sunlight.
When the sun comes up later and sets earlier, plants receive less sunlight than they did in spring and summer. If possible, you may want to move your plants closer to windows so they can take advantage of as much light as possible. Rotate pots a quarter turn each week to ensure all sides of your plants get sunlight from time to time. If boosting the light levels isn’t an option for you, most plants will be just fine. Your plants inside will adjust to the seasonal change outside.

Don’t worry about a few dropped leaves
When bringing houseplants that spent the summer outside back indoors, they will likely drop some leaves. This is perfectly normal, as they are adjusting to the lower light levels of being indoors.” If your plants stay inside year-round, a small amount of leaf drop coming into winter is normal, as well, Marino says. Leaf drop due to winter is the houseplant’s way of preparing for lower light levels and is nothing to worry about.

Avoid temperature extremes
Regular household temperatures that you’re comfortable in are fine for most houseplants during the winter. But extreme changes in temperature, even for a short time, can cause problems. Keep plants away from cold drafts, radiators, and hot air vents. “Sudden hot or cold drafts can stress plants out, cause cold damage, or dry them to a crisp,”

Pause the fertiliser
Most houseplants rest in the winter. They tend to grow very little, if at all. Because they are not producing new leaves and stems, they don’t require fertilizer. Stop fertilizing in fall and resume again in spring as plants receive more sunlight, spurring them to actively grow again.

Houseplant pests
Winter is prime time for tiny sap-sucking insects such as aphids and scales to pop up. Spider mites are another common winter pest because they like warm, dry conditions. Turn plant leaves over and inspect their undersides every time you water. Check along stems, too. If you find any pests, try wiping them off with your fingers or an alcohol-soaked cotton ball. For large infestations, insecticidal soap and neem oil are safer options for getting rid of houseplant pests.

Step Up the humidity
The air inside our heated homes tends to be drier in winter months. Most houseplants, especially those originally from tropical areas of the world, grow best when humidity levels are between 40-50%, but wintertime humidity levels are typically 10-20% inside homes. A simple way to ramp up the humidity around plants is to cluster them together. Water evaporating from the potting soil, as well as water lost naturally through the leaves, will raise the relative humidity right around your plants.

Plants That Will Grow Better in Your Bathroom
Another easy method to increase humidity is to place plants on trays filled with pebbles and water. The bottoms of the pots should be above the water level to avoid root rot. As the water evaporates, it creates a more humid microclimate for your houseplants.
Studies have found that misting would have to be done many times a day to raise the humidity level enough to make a difference. You’d be better off using a humidifier nearby. Keep foliage clean.
Clean plant leaves by clearing dust and grime from the foliage or give the whole plant a quick rinse in the shower to make short work of cleaning off the foliage.

Resist repotting houseplants
Plants take well to repotting when they are actively growing. That’s why spring and summer are the best times to repot houseplants. You might be tempted to get your hands in some soil and repot in the depths of winter. Doing so can shock dormant or resting houseplants, so resist the urge.

Rama Tyagi

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It belongs to the cruciferous vegetables or cabbage family. It was first cultivated in Turkey from the wild. Cauliflower has gained popularity for being a powerhouse of nutrients.

Colours play a very important part in our lives as well as our wellbeing .
The frequency of colors increases from Red to Violet in the visible portion of the spectrum of the Sun. Higher the frequency, more the benefits of the colour of the cabbage.

Different colours of vegetables help in activating our chakras.
As you know different yoga chakras are denoted by different colours. If asanas help in activating them, so do different coloured vegetables.
Today we are going to talk about coloured cauliflower. It comes in 6 colours:

  • Lime green
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Brown
  • Purple
  • Red

Each colour has its own benefits. Cabbage contains carotenoids, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, potassium, Anti-oxidants, vitamins specially flavonoids and essential minerals. Cholesterol and blood pressure can be controlled by eating them. This also helps in controlling face wrinkles too.

Yellow vegetables boost immunity. People with weak immunity should eat yellow cabbage.
Purple colour cabbage has its colour due to the presence of flavonoids and anthocyanin. It is a powerful antioxidant. It repairs and saves damaged cells. It also protects against cancer. It is highly beneficial for pregnant women and elders too. So this vegetable provides lots of health benefits to our body. From boosting heart health to digestive health, eating cauliflower regularly can lower several types of Cancer.


It requires a cold climate and high humidity.
Temperature: 20 ° C to 25 °C.
Soil : Fertile soil with good drainage.5.5 to 6.5 pH.Soil with high moisture holding capacity are preferred when growing late season. It is sensitive to saline in soil and water. Mix nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in cow dung in soil 15 days prior to planting. Ammonium molybdate, boron can be added later when hoeing.
Varieties: Carotena(yellow), Valentena (purple),Vorda, the Alverda, the Green Goddess, Minaret and Veronica.

Cultivation: It can be sown from September to October.
Preparation: Seeds are sown to prepare a nursery then transferred when seedlings are 4 to 5 weeks old.
Sow seeds at the depth of 1 to a distance 8 to 10cm. The seed should be covered with sand and FYM mixture.
Distance between each plant should be 6060 or 6045 cm .
Water lightly after planting.
Fertilisation: Regular fertilisation after 30 to 45 days after transplanting.
Harvesting: Cauliflower is ready to harvest 90 -120 days after planting.

Rama Tyagi

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Courtesy : Sonia Ji

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संवरती हरियाली हमारे आसपास

हमें अधर (मुसीबत की स्थिति) नहीं आधार चाहिए….अब यही हमारा केंद्रीय विचार होना चाहिए पर्यावरण को लेकर। पृथ्वी पर जीवन का आधार इसकी पसरी हुई हरियाली है।जल, वायु और हरियाली के संतुलित संबंध से ही जीवों का जीवन व्यवस्थित है इस धरती पर। हम सभी जानते हैं कि इस समय काफ़ी हद तक संतुलन बिगड़ा हुआ है।समाधान बहुत हद तक पेड़ पौधों और वृक्षों के सहारे है।यही आधार हैं। प्रदूषण और जीवन को कम करते अधर से बचने का एकमात्र और कारगर उपाय है हरियाली को संभालना। इसी से आवश्यक जीवन तत्वों की शुद्धता है चाहे वो जल हो, वायु या फिर हमारा मन।
समस्याएं नगरों और महानगरों की पैदा की हुई हैं। हमारी अनियोजित जीवनशैली इसका मुख्य कारण है। हमारी जीवनशैली में हुए छोटे-छोटे बदलाव हमें घातक अधर(मुसीबत की स्थिति) से बचा सकते हैं। हम सभी ने महसूस किया है कि बेदर्द कोरोनाकाल में चाहे-अनचाहे हरियाली ने हमें सहारा दिया। इसके गुणों को उत्साहित हो दिल से लोगों ने समझा। संतुलित रूप में यही जीवन का आधार बना। लोग गांवों की शरण में गए।
वजह थी खुली सांसें। ऑक्सीजन सिलेंडरों ने पेड़ों की कीमत याद दिलाई तो काढ़ों ने शारीरिक प्रतिरोधक क्षमता का पाठ पढ़ाया।कुल मिलाकर शहरी समस्या का हल शहरों को ही निकालना है।हर घर को थोड़ी बहुत हरियाली तो पसारनी ही है।

बहुत से लोग इसे अपनी जिम्मेदारी मानकर दिल से इस अभियान में जुट भी गए हैं।
संवरती हरियाली हमारे आसपास की इस कड़ी में हम रामप्रस्थ ग्रींस, गाजियाबाद के दो बागवानों से आपकी मुलाक़ात कराते हैं। पहले हैं सुनील सिंह जी और दूसरी हैं ज्योतिका स्लाथिया जी।

अपार्टमेंट की साझा छतों पर बागवानी करने वाले सुनील सिंह जी की बागवानी को हमने बहुत करीब से देखा है। दरअसल उनकी हरी-भरी छत की बगिया उनकी पत्नी अल्पना जी का शौक और जुनून रहा है।

कोरोना काल में अल्पना जी और हमने जीवन के बहुत से सुख-दुख साझा किए।छत की बगिया पर उगे लगभग हर फूल और पत्ती पर बात की है। फिर कोरोना के दूसरे दौर में वो अनंत यात्रा पर चल दीं। किडनी की समस्या से ग्रस्त अल्पना जी गज़ब की जीवट थीं।कई बार शारीरिक शक्ति बहुत कम होने के बावजूद भी वे लगभग चालीस जीने चढ़कर छत पर अपनी बगिया संवारने आती थीं। उनका यही कहना होता था कि मुझे यहां शक्ति मिलती है, खुशी मिलती है और शारीरिक दर्द काफ़ूर हो जाता है।

अल्पना जी की बगिया आजकल सुनील जी और उनकी गृह सेविका संभाल रहे हैं।पेशे से इंजीनियर सुनील जी बताते हैं कि विवाह के बाद ही जब बोकारो में उनका रहना था तभी उनके घर की बंज़र जमीन को उनकी पत्नी ने फुलवारी में तब्दील कर दिया था। फिर गाजियाबाद में अपार्टमेंट के घर में पहले उन्होंने अपनी बालकनी संवारी और फिर बाद में साझा छत को सब्जी और फूलों से रंग दिया। इस तरह पति-पत्नी मिलकर गृहसेविका की सहायता से छत पर हरियाली बढ़ाने लगे।

सुनील जी छत पर सब्जियों में पालक ,टमाटर , गोभी, भिंडी,बैंगन,मेथी, प्याज, सरसों, करेला, खीरा,ककड़ी, लौकी, सलाद पत्ता, अरबी, नींबू, करौंदा,तरोई, ब्रोकली, बरबटी(बींस)आदि मौसम के अनुसार उगाते हैं।फिर यही शुद्ध सब्जियां उनके परिवार का आहार बनती हैं।

फूलों में , गर्मी के मौसम में मोगरा, रजनीगंधा से आपकी छत की बगिया महकती है तो समय-समय पर पोर्टूलाका, गुड़हल और सदाबहार की किस्मों से रंगीन होती रहती है। आपने वैजन्ती,मधुमालती,  चंपा , गेंदा और तरह-तरह के लिली भी अपनी छत की बगिया पर सहेजे हुए हैं।चाइव्स के फूल तो देखते ही बनते हैं। पुदीना, लहसुन, ज्वरांकुश( लैमन ग्रास)और एलोवेरा आदि हर्ब्स भी आपने अपनी  बगिया में लगा रखे हैं।सुबह – शाम पौधों में पानी देना और पौधों को यहां से वहां रखने का काम लक्ष्मी ( गृहसेविका) संभालती है। पौधों के सिलैक्शन , प्रूनिंग और खास रखरखाव का काम सुनील जी स्वयं करते हैं अब।पहले अल्पना जी की देखरेख में पौधों की कटाई-छंटाई और निराई- गुड़ाई होती थी।कभी कभार साल छमाही कोई अन्य सहायक भी आकर छत की सफाई में अपना योगदान दे जाता है।एक बड़ी कंपनी के शीर्ष पद पर रहने की वजह से सुनील जी पौधों की खास देखभाल सप्ताहांत में करते हैं और  इस तरह लगभग चार-पांच घंटे पौधों की संभाल में व्यतीत करते हैं।आपके अनुसार समय पर और उचित मात्रा में पानी पौधों की खास जरूरत है। स्वस्थ पौधे पाने के लिए समय-समय पर मिट्टी की गुड़ाई जरूरी है।टमाटर की खास देखभाल के लिए इप्सम की आवश्यकता होती है।

आपकी बागवानी पूरी तरह से ऑर्गेनिक खाद से पोषित है ।पौधों की बीमारियों के लिए नीम के तेल और साबुन के घोल का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। पर्यावरणीय जागरूकता की दृष्टि से रसोई से निकले गीले कचरे और छत की  सूखी पत्तियों से खाद बनाई जाती है। फिर इसी खाद का उपयोग पौधों के पोषण के लिए किया जाता है। 

बहुत से पौधे समय और पोषण पाकर जब काफी बड़े हो जाते हैं तो उन्हें सोसायटी में उपयुक्त जगहों पर लगवा दिया जाता है। बहुत से उपयोगी पौधे जो अनायास पक्षियों द्वारा उगा दिए जाते हैं या फिर बगिया के बीजों से उग आते हैं , उन्हें दूध की थैलियों में तरीके से तैयार कर उन संस्थाओं को दे दिया जाता है जो बड़े स्तर पर वृक्षारोपण के सद्कार्यों में लगी हैं। प्लास्टिक की बोतलों को आकार देकर और रंगों से सजाकर बगिया को एक अलग ही रूप दिया गया है।

टैरेस गार्डनिंग को परिभाषित करते हुए आप बताते हैं कि बागवानी इस समय खुशी देने और मानसिक तनाव को कम करने का सबसे अच्छा माध्यम है।

एक बाथटब से छत पर हरियाली बढ़ाने की शुरुआत करने वाले सुनील जी की बगिया में अब  पौधों की संख्या लगभग सौ से ज़्यादा  पहुंच गई है।

बेटे का रुझान पौधों की तरफ बहुत तो नहीं है पर समय-समय पर निहारने आ ही जाता है छत पर। अल्पना और सुनील जी को बागवानी के साथ-साथ खाना बनाने और खिलाने का बहुत शौक रहा है। हमें याद है इस पर उन्होंने एक पुस्तक भी लिखी थी…मां की रसोई।कई बार खासकर सर्दी में उनकी छत पर रसोई तैयार होते हुए भी देखी है। आप लोगों को दोस्तों, रिश्तेदारों के साथ हंसी मज़ाक के बीच में सीधे बगिया से पालक, धनिया पुदीना तोड़कर व्यंजनों को बनाते देखने के हम भी साक्षी रहे हैं।

अक्सर पड़ोसी छत देखने आते रहते हैं। सुनील जी बताते हैं हमने तरीके से दीवार के सहारे  छत पर गमलों को रखा है जिससे अपार्टमेंट की साझा छत से पड़ोसियों को कोई परेशानी नहीं है।

सुनील जी अपनी पत्नी के पौधों के प्रति प्यार और जुनून को साझा करते हुए कहते हैं कि खिले फूलों और हरियाली को देखने से मन प्रसन्न होता है और माहौल पाॅसिटिव उर्जा से भर जाता है और ताज़गी छा जाती है!आज के समय में तनाव को दूर करने का यह एक बेहतर माध्यम है।इस तरह  छत की बगिया के पौधों की देखभाल सुनील जी जीवन संगिनी की यादों के साथ आगे बढ़ा रहे हैं।यकीनन दिशा पर्यावरण संरक्षण की तो है ही।

इस कड़ी की दूसरी बागवान ज्योतिका स्लाथिया जी हैं। बागवानी के लिए आपने अपार्टमेंट की छत तीन लोगों के साथ साझा की हुई है।

ज्योतिका जी को पौधों को पोसने की प्रेरणा अपनी एक सहयोगी की बागवानी देखकर मिली।उनकी सहयोगी नोयडा में रहती हैं। उनकी करीने से सजी बागवानी आपको आकर्षित करती थी।कोरोना काल ऐसा समय था जब समय भी था और मन को प्रसन्न करने के लिए कुछ तो बेहतर चाहिए ही था।उस समय पौधों को लगाने और निहारने से बेहतर और क्या था? सहयोगी की बगिया का आकर्षण पहले से ही था।बस फिर क्या पौधों ने धीरे – धीरे बालकनी में अपनी जगह बनाना शुरू कर दी जो आगे चल कर छत की बगिया का हिस्सा बनने लगे।हर वो चीज़ जिसमें पौधे लगाए जा सकते थे पौधों से सजने लगे।फिर क्या पर्स और क्या फिश एक्वेरियम। 

आईटी कंपनी में नौकरी करने वाली दो बच्चियों की माँ जयोतिका जी ने पारिवारिक व्यस्तता के बावजूद बहुत सी सब्जियां और फूल अपनी बगिया में लगा रखे हैं। भिंडी, लौकी, करेला, पालक, बींस,गोभी, गाजर, मूली, कड़म, मिर्च आदि सब्जियां मौसम के अनुसार आपकी छत पर ताज़गी बिखेरती हैं और फिर रसोई का हिस्सा बनती हैं।

आपने नारियल, इलायची, नींबू,अनार,के पौधे भी लगाए हुए हैं। पारिजात,अपराजिता,गुड़हल जैसे फूल भी बगिया को महकाते और रंगीन बनाते रहते हैं।अश्वगंधा, मरुआ, अजवायन आदि हर्ब्स भी आपकी बागवानी का महत्वपूर्ण अंग हैं। ज्योतिका जी को बोनसाई बनाने का शौक है। आपने पीपल,बरगद और बोगैनविला के बोनसाई बड़े करीने से तैयार किए हुए हैं।

परिवार के बाकी सदस्य बहुत  ज्यादा तो नहीं पर हां थोड़ी बहुत जरूरत के मुताबिक बागवानी में मदद कर ही देते हैं।

पौधों को पानी देना,खाद देना, उनकी निराई-गुड़ाई करना जैसे सारे काम आप खुद ही करती हैं।इसके लिए आप सुबह -शाम का समय  निकालती हैं।रोज़ आधा घंटा सुबह और आधा शाम का समय आप पौधों की संभाल में व्यतीत करती हैं।पौधों की खास देखभाल पर आप बताती हैं कि हर पौधे की ज़रूरत बिल्कुल अलग होती है जैसे  पानी,खाद और कीटनाशक की मात्रा।इसके लिए पौधों का खयाल बिल्कुल बच्चों की तरह करना पड़ता है।उनका ध्यान रखने के साथ-साथ उनकी ज़रूरतों और परेशानियों  को समझना पड़ता हैं। जागरूक दृष्टि से आप बताती हैं कि पर्यावरण को ध्यान में रखते हुए मैं हर वो चीज़ जो घर के लिए अनुपयोगी हो जाती है,का इस्तेमाल पौधे लगाने के लिए करती हूँ जैसे प्लास्टिक कंटेनर, आटे की थैलियां, टायर, ड्रम आदि।साथ ही हम सभी बागवान पड़ोसी मिलकर खाद बनाते हैं।इसके लिए हम अपनी छत की सूखी पत्तियों और रसोई के हरे कचरे का उपयोग करते हैं।

जब छत साझा है तो साथ भी बहुत ज़रूरी  है।एक छत पर तीन बागवान एक दूसरे की इस तरह मदद करते हैं कि पौधे भी अकेलापन महसूस नहीं कर पाते क्योंकि कोई न कोई उनकी देखभाल के लिए रहता ही है। महानगरीय संस्कृति में मेल मिलाप का यह एक बेहतर उदाहरण है।अपनी व्यस्त ज़िन्दगी का ज़िक्र कुछ मुस्कुराते हुए आप इस तरह बताती हैं.. बागवानी का सबसे बड़ा फ़ायदा यह है कि घर और ऑफिस की रुटीन लाइफ़ के बाद जब मैं शाम को छत पर जाती हूँ तो बहुत ही रिलैक्स्ड और शांत महसूस करती हूँ सारा  तनाव रफूचक्कर हो जाता है।आंखें भी थैंक्यू कहती हैं क्योंकि आजकल हम सभी का ज़्यादातर समय स्क्रीन के सामने बीतता है चाहे वो टीवी हो या फिर मोबाइल और लैपटॉप।

इस तरह आज के समय में एक बात तो तय है कि आसपास के पौधे हमारे मानसिक और शारीरिक तनाव को दूर करने के बेहतर उपाय हैं।

 पर्यावरण को संभालना हमारा फ़र्ज़ भी है और वक्त की ज़रूरत भी। हम सभी ‌को एकजुट होकर अपने हिस्से के बूंद बूंद प्रयास करने होंगे जिससे जीवन का आधार मज़बूती पाए।

स्वस्थरहिए, मस्तरहिए🙏



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We are aware the functions of the leaves in plants. They are like food factory for the plants. They use Chlorophyl to capture energy from the sun. Chlorophyl is also the chemical which gives green colour to them.  This sun energy, combined with water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air help make food in the form of sugar.

This process is called photosynthesis.

The other functions of leaves are Interchange of gases, where Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged with the atmosphere; and plants get rid of excess water by transpiration through stomata present in leaves.

If this process is disrupted, it shows on the leaves, and later on the whole plant. (I will not go into their further details, else it will become a biology lesson).

But remember, leaves are the indication of the health of the plant. The condition of leaves can tell you if they are under stress. The reasons can be manifolds: lack of macro and micro nutrients, excess or shortage of water, pest infestation etc.

So, let us try to figure out various conditions of the plants, by looking at the leaves.


Just as the shortage of water will disturb the plant, so will the excess of water. If the leaves are seen to be wilting, and the soil is too wet, it is likely that the plant is drowning

The roots draw oxygen from the soil. If there are no air pockets, and soil too wet, there is excess of water.


Potassium is needed by plants in relatively large amounts. Its deficiency can prevent proper flowering and fruiting. The leaves have yellow and/or purple tints and the margins become brown and look burnt.

Treatment and control

Apply a balanced granular or controlled-release plant food every spring. Feed every 2 weeks during spring and summer wherever necessary, particularly with a high potash feed, such as a tomato plant food.

Sulphate of potash can be used to help promote flowering and cure severe deficiencies.

Potassium deficiency in Tomato
Potassium deficiency in Okra


Iron is one of the trace elements or micronutrients, that is needed in small quantities. It shows by the yellow pale colour of leaves between the veins.

Treat by feeding the chelated iron that can be easily absorbed by the plant.

Iron deficiency in Okra
Iron deficiency in Tomato


Nitrogen is one of the major nutrients needed by all plants in large quantities. It determines the growth of the plant and makes the leaves green.

Its deficiency is indicated by pale yellow leaves and stinted growth.

Mulching the soil will help maintain soil moisture, reduce leaching.

Nitrogen deficiency in Tomato


It shows up as yellowing of leaves, often tinged orange between leaf veins and around edges.

It can be cured by Epsom salts dissolved in water and sprayed onto foliage and applied around the soil.

Magnesium deficiency in tomato
Magnesium deficiency in pumpkin

Well, these are just the guidelines. For more information and if problem persists, it is always better to go to a specialist!

(all photos, information: internet)

Sushil Bhatia

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Image that tells thousand stories!

Courtesy : Mr Pradeep Das Gupta

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माइक्रोग्रीनस हैं भरपूर पोषण स्त्रोत

वर्तमान में आई जीवन शैली में बदलाव एवं स्वास्थ्य के प्रति लोगों की जागरूकता से माइक्रोग्रीनस के सेवन में भारी बढ़ोतरी हुई है | माइक्रोग्रीन एक विशिष्ट खाध उपघटक के रूप में उभर रहा है | माइक्रोग्रीन , सब्जी एवं औषधियों के अंकुरित ताजा एवं छोटे हरे पौधे होते हैं | ये आधुनिक व्यंजन की द्रक्षयात्मकता या स्वाद को बढ़ाते हैं | माइक्रोग्रीन , बेबी ग्रीन से छोटे एवं अंकुर से अलग होते हैं , जिसे प्राय : बुआई के 10-14 दिनों बाद काट लिया जाता है |

सामान्यत : माइक्रोग्रीनस को तीन भागों मे बांटा जा सकता है :

  • केन्द्रीय तना
  • बीजपत्रीय पतियाँ
  • नयी पनपी हुई पतियाँ

माइक्रोग्रीनस विभिन्न रंगों मे उपलब्ध होते हैं | इनका उपयोग सलाद , सूप एवं सैंडविच को सजाने के लिए बहुतायत से किया जाता है | इनके बीज एवं नवांकुर पौधे मे प्रचुर मात्रा मे पोशाक तत्व पाए जाते हैं , जिसमे ऐन्टिआक्सीडेंट , फेनोलीक , विटामिंस एवं खनिज लवण प्रमुख हैं | यही कारण है की एक क्रियात्मक भोजन के रूप मे देखा जाता है | माइक्रोग्रीनस मुख्य पोषण तत्वों को शरीर में शी आएं तक पहुंचाते हैं तथा यह एक “ सुपरफुद “ के रूप में बेहतरीन विकल्प है |

फसलवैज्ञानिक नामकुलपौधे का रंग
सेलरीऐपियम ग्रेवियोलेन्स एलएपीएसीहरा
चाइना रोज मूलीरेफेनस सटाइवस एलब्रासीकेसीबैंगनी हरा
चौलाईएमरांथस ह्रापोकोन्ड्रियाकस एलअमरंथीसलाल
हरा बेसिलओसीमम बसिलिकम एललामिअसिहरा  
चुकंदरबीटा वुलगैरिसचेनोंपोड़िएसीलाल – हरा
लाल पत्तागोभीब्रेसिक ओलेरेसिया एलब्रासिकेसीबैंगनी हरा
लाल सरसों पत्ताब्रेसिका जंसिया एलब्रासिकेसीबैंगनी हरा
सारणी – 1 : व्यावसायिक रूप से उगाए जाने वाले माइक्रोग्रीनस
नामपादप रसायनमाइक्रोग्रीनसपरिपक्व सब्जी
लाल पत्तागोभीएसकार्बिक एसिड147.0 मिग्रा। प्रति 100 ग्रा। ( ताजा भार )24.4 मिग्रा। प्रति 100 ग्राम ( ताजा भार )
 फ्लूरोकिवनोलोन्स2.8 माइक्रोग्राम ( ताजा भार )0.04 माइक्रोग्राम प्रति ग्रा। ( ताजा भार )
 बीटा – कैरोटीन11.5 मिग्रा। प्रति ग्राम ( ताजा भार )0.044 मिग्रा । प्रति 100 ग्रा ( ताजा भार )
 ऐन्थोसायनिन12.44 माइक्रोमोल प्रति ग्राम ( ताजा भार )33.36 माइक्रोमोल प्रति ग्राम ( ताजा भार )
 ग्लूकोराफानीन4.80 माइक्रोमोल प्रति ग्राम ( सुख भर )0.88 माइक्रोमोल प्रति ग्राम ( सूखा भार )
 ग्लूकोबरासिनिन1.15 माइक्रोमोल प्रति ग्राम ( सूखा भार )1.26 माइक्रोमोल प्रति
ब्रोकोलीग्लूकोराफानीन0.67-0.85 माइक्रोमोल प्रति ग्राम ( सूखा भार )7.1 माइक्रोमोल प्रति ग्राम ( सुख भार )
 ग्लूकोबरासिनिन10.13 – 10.81 माइक्रोमोल प्रति ग्राम ( सूखा भार )1.1 0.4 माइक्रोमोल प्रति ग्राम ( सूखा भार )
सारणी – 2 : माइक्रोग्रीनस एवं परिपक्व सब्जी में सक्रिय जैव घटकों को तुलनात्मक स्थिति

माइक्रोग्रीनस से होने वाले स्वास्थ्य लाभ

भारत समेत अन्य देशों में बदली हुई जीवन शैली के कारण मोटापा , कार्डिओ – वेसकुलर रोग एवं टाइप – 2 मधुमेह प्रमुख दीर्घ कालिक समस्याओ के रूप में उभर रहे हैं जिनका प्रमुख कारण , हाई कैलोरी भोजन के साथ फल एवं सब्जियों का उपयोग नहीं करना है | अनेक शोधों एवं प्रयोगों से स्पष्ट होता है की भोजन में फलों एवं सब्जियों के प्रचुर मात्रा में उपयोग से इन बीमारियों को दूर किया जा सकता है | लाल पत्तागोभी माइक्रोग्रीनस के उपयोग से मोटापे को नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है , क्योंकि इसमे उपलब्ध पोषण शरीर में ऐडिपोजेनेसीस को रोकते हैं | माइक्रोग्रीनस में पाए जाने वाले पालिफीनोल्स जैसे – फ्लेवेनायड्स कोलेस्ट्राल बनने की प्रक्रिया मे अवरोध उत्पन्न करते हैं जिससे ये यकृत में संचित मनहीं हो पाते हैं | सामान्यत : पालिफीनोल्स कोलेस्ट्राल को शरीर से बाहर निकलने में मदद करते हैं और अथ्रोस्वलरोसिस एवं कार्डिओ – वेसकुलर जैसी दीघ्रकालिक  बीमारियों के खतरे को कम करते हैं | इसके साथ ही माइक्रोग्रीनस मे पाए जाने वाले तत्व इंसुलिन के प्रति संवेदनशील होते हैं और शरीर में ग्लूकोज को नियंत्रित कर मधुमेह बीमारी से बचा सकते हैं | ब्रेसिक फैमिली के माइक्रोग्रीनस ईणडोल कम्पाउन्ड के अच्छे प्रीकर्सर होते है जो की शरीर को कैसर जैसी बीमारी से बचाते हैं | इसके अलावा , इसमे पाए जाने वाले जैव सक्रिय तत्व की तरह के कैंसर रोकने वाले रासायनिक प्रतिक्रियाएं को भी प्रभावित करते हैं |

क्रम संख्याफाइटोकैमिकलटारगेट क्रोनिक बीमारी 
1.विटामिंस ( के 1 सी ई )इंफलेमेशन , कैंसर 
2.कैरोटेनायड्स  ( बीटा कैरोटीन , जियाजेन्थिन एवं वायोलाजैनथींइनपलेमेशन , कैसर 
3.पालिफेनोल्स/फलवोनोइड्स ( कवेरसेटिन , कैमपफरॉलमोटापा , इंफलेमेशन , कैंसर , क्रोनिक कार्डियोवसकुलर रोग 
4.गल्कोसिनीलेट्स ( ग्लूकोराफानिन , ग्लूकोबरसीसीन ) , ग्लूकोसिनोलेटरसइंफलेमेशन , कैंसर 
5.फ्लेवोंनॉइड्सटाइप 2 डायबिटीज मेलिटस , मोटापा , इंफलेमेशन , कैंसर 
सारणी -3 : दीघ्रकालिक रोगों से बचाव के लिए माइक्रोग्रीनस में उपस्थित लाभप्रद जैवसक्रिय  

Rama Tyagi

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There are various types of Migraines. The intense throbbing, pulsing, and excruciating pain can be debilitating. More than 90 percent can’t work or function normally during that period. Today I’ll bring out a few herbs which are quite common in our gardens, some we grow and
others pop up wild.

Migraine without aura

This is the most common kind of migraine headache. It builds over several hours before the pain of your migraine peaks, usually lasting up to 72 hours. People who have these kinds of migraines tend to experience them a few times per year. If they occur more often than that, the condition may be diagnosed as chronic migraine.

Migraine with aura

Some people experience disturbances of the nervous system, called aura, during their migraines. Auras can include bright spots in the field of vision, tingling sensations, vision loss, hallucinated odors, and uncontrolled movements.

Retinal migraine

Retinal migraines involve vision loss in one eye. Unlike migraines with aura, the visual disturbances are usually contained to that eye.

Chronic migraine

Chronic migraine is defined as having migraines that occur on more than 15 days per month for 3 months or more. This frequency can be debilitating. Medical evaluation is required to obtain a treatment plan and to identify if something else is causing the migraines to occur so
Migraine triggers Certain behaviors, emotions, hormones, and foods can trigger a migraine. Caffeine or chemical withdrawal can cause migraines, for example. Chocolate, food dyes and additives, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and cured meats are the most common dietary triggers for migraines. Food allergies and sensitivities can also activate migraines as a symptom. A high-stress, competitive lifestyle can sometimes lead to recurrent migraines. Emotional stress from chemicals released during emotional situations can provoke a migraine.

Hormones are also a notorious migraine trigger. For women, the menstrual cycle is often connected to when their migraines occur. You may want to consider if there are migraine patterns or triggers that you can identify before you decide to try an herbal treatment.

List of herbs:

● Feverfew
● Butterbur
● Peppermint
● Willow
● Ginger
● Caffeine
● Valerian
● Coriander seed
● Dong quai
● Lavender oil
● Rosemary
● Linden
● Raw potato cuttings
● Horseradish
● Honeysuckle
● Mullein
● Yarrow
● Teaberry
● Common hops
● Betony
● Evodia

Today we are going to list few herbs which we can use to fight migraines: –

Tanacetum parthenium (Feverfew ): Feverfew is usually prepared by drying the leaves, flowers, and stems. This combination is also used to make supplements and extracts. Some cultures eat the leaves raw. A 2011 review suggests that feverfew is an effective treatment for migraines, fever, the common cold, and arthritis.

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Butterbur (Petasites hybridus): Butterbur is found in wet, marshy areas of Europe, Asia, and North America.

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People once used the leaves of the plant to wrap and preserve butter during warm weather, which is how butterbur got its name. It’s been used throughout history for a variety of purposes.Its root extract is used to make pills.It is an effective medicine for migraine prevention when taken 50 to 70 milligrams doses twice a day.

Peppermint (Mentha x balsamea ): A cross of spearmint and water mint, peppermint grows throughout India. Peppermint leaves and their essential oils are used for medicinal and culinary purposes. In addition to a headache treatment, it’s also used to relieve:
● spasms
● toothaches
● gastrointestinal problems
● nausea

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Peppermint oil and its active ingredient, menthol, is available in liquid capsule form. Tea versions are also available for easy brewing. A 2010 study found that menthol was effective at stopping migraine pain and easing nausea when applied to the forehead and temples in a 10 percent solution. Peppermint oil may be a good herbal option for the relief of migraine pain.
Peppermint oil is one of the easiest herbal remedies to try because of its prevalence in health food stores and pharmacies.

Willow (Salix spp.): Willow bark extract (WBE) was used in the development of aspirin, a well-known over-the-counter pain reliever, fever reducer, and anti-inflammatory drug.

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WBE contains an anti-inflammatory ingredient called salicin. A 2012 study suggests WBE is also an effective antioxidant. Willow is a tree found in Europe, Asia, and North America. It’s been used since the time of Hippocrates (400 B.C.), when people would chew the bark for its anti-inflammatory and fever-relieving effects. Willow was later used in China and Europe for headaches, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and lower back pain. Willow bark can be found in capsule form and as a chewable bark .

Ginger (Zingiber officinale): Ginger is a tropical Asian plant. It’s been used in herbal medicines in China for over 2,000 years. It’s also been popular in Indian and Arabic medicines since ancient times. Ginger has traditionally been used as a remedy for:
● headaches
● stomach pain
● nausea
● arthritis
● cold and flu symptoms
● neurological problems

Ginger has been well-documented as anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial. In addition, a 2014 study published in the Phytotherapy. Research Trusted Source showed that ginger powder’s benefits were comparable to sumatriptan, a common prescription migraine drug, but with fewer side effects. Most people can tolerate fresh or dried ginger root, supplements, or extract. Be careful not to combine ginger supplements with blood thinners because of potential drug interactions.
Ginger capsules and ginger tea are both relatively easy to obtain in almost any grocery store or pharmacy. You can also try drinking ginger water.

Caffeine: Caffeinated teas became common in China during the Ming Dynasty. They exploded in popularity in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries. Green tea was used in combination with other herbs for migraine pain in traditional Chinese medicine. Coffee initially gained recognition in Arabia. Yerba mate, a less widely known caffeinated tea, originated in South America.

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People in many cultures primarily consumed caffeine to help treat headaches.
Caffeine is also found in many over-the-counter pain relievers today. Although caffeine is frequently studied in combination with other pain relievers, it’s considered a useful and safe additive in pills for many people who experience migraines. A 2012 study found that a combination of 1,000 milligrams (mg) of acetaminophen and 130 mg of caffeine is particularly helpful. However, caffeine withdrawal and caffeine intake can also be triggers for headaches and migraines.

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis): Valerian is native to Europe and Asia. It’s now also commonly found in North America. Use of valerian traces back to ancient Greece and Rome from the time of Hippocrates. It was recognized as a remedy for insomnia a few centuries later.

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Valerian was known as “all-heal” in the 1500s, as it was used to treat a multitude of ailments. These included:
● Insomnia
● Headaches
● Heart palpitations
● Tremors
● Anxiety
It’s sometimes used in the modern treatment of headaches, but valerian hasn’t been researched enough to determine its usefulness in the treatment of migraine pain. Valerian is usually taken as a supplement, tea, or tincture made from the dried roots. Liquid extract is also available in capsule form.

Coriander seed (Coriandrum sativum): For over 7,000 years, people across cultures have used coriander seed’s healing and seasoning properties. Coriander was lauded for its ability to treat ailments that ranged from allergies to diabetes to migraines.

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Traditional Ayurvedic medicine used coriander to relieve sinus pressure and headaches by pouring hot water over the fresh seeds and inhaling the steam. However, coriander seed’s anti-inflammatory potential may prove beneficial for some people with migraines. Coriander seeds can be chewed and used in food or teas. Oral extracts are also available.

Dong quai (Angelica sinensis): Hailing from the same family as carrots, parsley, and celery, dong quai root has been used as a spice, tonic, and medicinal cream for more than 1,000 years, especially in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean practices. Modern uses often mix it with other herbs to treat:

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● headaches
● fatigue
● inflammation
● nerve pain

Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica): Native to Asia, the Japanese honeysuckle started taking root in North America in the 1800s. It’s been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat:
● wounds
● fever
● colds and viruses
● inflammation
● sores
● infections

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Along with honeysuckle’s anticancer and antimicrobial powers, research has also identified anti-inflammatory properties in the plant’s leaves, stems, and flowers that can provide pain relief similar to that of aspirin. It may also be effective against migraine pain.

Mullein (Verbascum): Since ancient times, people in Europe and Asia have been using mullein for medicinal purposes, treating inflammatory conditions, spasms, diarrhoea, and migraines. The leaves and flowers can be used for extracts, capsules, poultices, and dried preparations. Tinctures of the plant are used in modern homoeopathic therapies for migraine treatment. Research has shown that mullein has diuretic properties. Always use herbal treatments for migraines with caution and after consulting health care professionals.

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Happy Gardening
Rama Tyagi

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Also known by the names Drumstick or Sehajan, the leaves of the Miracle tree Moringa contain almost everything that the human body needs. They are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and protein. A few teaspoons full of the powdered leaves added to the daily diet of children can help in fighting malnutrition in many developing countries.

Moringa leaf powder is increasingly used as a valuable food additive for health-conscious people. Nearly every part of the tree can be used: as food (leaves & pods), as ingredient for cosmetics (Moringa seed oil), as water purifier (seeds) and medicine (leaves & roots).

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Moringa leaf powder is a powerhouse of essential micronutrients, even ones that our body can’t produce on its own.  Moringa is also referred to as the “Tree of  Life “.

It contains:

  • 9 times more protein than plain curd.
  • 10 times more vitaminA than carrots
  • 15 times more calcium than milk
  • 25 times more iron than spinach.

Moringa leaf powder is super nutrient-dense and packed with more than 92 nutrients and 46 antioxidants, most of which our bodies can’t produce on their own. All these micronutrients are in quantities of several multiples when compared to other plants.


One tablespoon a day provides the body with its daily requirements of vitamins and antioxidants. Pluck Moringa leaves and dry them in the shade. Once dried you can grind to make powder. Store Moringa leaf powder away from sunlight and any source of heat. Refrigeration is not necessary.

It is not recommended that you cook with Moringa leaf powder. When heated above a certain temperature, the powder loses some of its nutritional value. Instead, use it as a garnish for cooked meals so that you can enjoy one of the best organic superfoods for a strong immune system, stress reduction and healthy bones.

Rama Tyagi

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