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एक हजार मील की यात्रा भी पहले कदम से प्रारम्भ होती है | कोई पत्थर पहली चोट में नहीं टूटता परन्तु इतिहास उसे याद रखता है जिसने पहली चोट मारी थी |
होर्टीकल्चर और फ्लोरीकल्चर सोसाइटी नये प्रयोगों और द्रढ़ इच्छा शक्ति का वास्तविक प्रतिबिम्ब होकर उभरी है | करीब करीब बिना किसी बड़े आदमी के संरक्षण के और करीब करीब बिना संसाधनो के , होर्टीकल्चर और फ्लोरीकल्चर सोसाइटी ने  आज से 9 साल पहले फ्लावर शो का प्रारम्भ किया था |
फ्लोवर शो का आयोजन एक प्रारम्भिक बिंदु था जहां से तरह तरह की गतिविधियाँ प्रारम्भ होती चली गई | गाज़ियाबाद बहुमंजली इमारतो की बालकनियों में बागवानी कैसे की जाए और छतो पर बागवानी कैसे की जाये उसके सस्ते सुन्दर और व्यवहारिक तरीके अलग अलग सोसाइटी में जाकर बताये गये |
होर्टीकल्चर और फ्लोरीकल्चर सोसाइटी की चेयर परसन ने वर्टिकल गार्डनिंग और कम्पोस्टिंग पर न केवल वर्कशॉप और सेमिनार आयोजित की बल्कि नगर निगम गाज़ियाबाद और गाज़ियाबाद प्राधिकरण के साथ ताल मेल करके वहां के मालियों को भी प्रशिक्षित किया | पिछले 9 वर्षो में 9 बार फ्लोवर शो आयोजित करने के कारण बागवानी में लोगों का ध्यान इस कदर आकर्षित हुआ की होर्टीकल्चर और फ्लोरीकल्चर सोसाइटी के साथ करीब करीब प्रतिदिन अलग अलग स्तरों पर वेबिनार आयोजित की जाने लगी , जिसमे छोटी छोटी बातो पर प्रश्न उत्तर होते थे और समस्याओं के समाधान खोजे जाते थे | नतीजा यह हुआ की इस सोसाइटी का नाम देश और विदेश में बागवानी में शौक रखने वाले लोगों तक पहुंच गया |
मुझे यह जानकार ख़ुशी हुई की होर्टीकल्चर और फ्लोरीकल्चर सोसाइटी प्रतिमाह एक ई स्मारिका का प्रकाशन भी करती है | मैं अपनी तरफ से और राष्ट्रिय सैनिक संस्था के तमाम गौरव सेनानिओ और देश भक्त नागरिको की तरफ से होर्टीकल्चर और फ्लोरीकल्चर सोसाइटी के द्वारा आयोजित फ्लोवर शो के सफल आयोजन और स्मारिका के इस अंक के लिए मुबारकबाद  और शुभकामनाएं प्रेषित करता हूँ | 

कर्नल तेजेंद्र पाल त्यागी , वीर चक्र 
राष्ट्रिय अध्यक्ष , राष्ट्रिय सैनिक संस्था

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From the Editor’s Desk

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Hello friends…….

It has been time and again that we have been harping on the issue of Climate Change and discussing it here, in the hope that we do something about it and educate our in-coming generations about it.

Climate Change is one of the most complex challenges that we face today. The effect of climate change is multi-dimensional; economical, societal, political, moral, ethical, cultural etc. Climate change brings in increased draughts, floods, hurricanes and so on. Over a period of time, it changes the way we behave. It has affected the mental health of the humanity in one ways or the other. It has forced the farmers to lose their regular income to failed and destroyed crops, pushing them deeper into the poverty and debts. That forces them to stop their children from going to schools; it forces them to marry off their daughters at the tender age of 12 in some countries.

Responding to any long-time effect involves two pronged strategy: Mitigation and Adaptation.

Mitigation action in this case largely requires reducing the flow of green-house gases, (by reducing burning of fossil fuels, generating excess heat, transport using conventional fuels, etc), and creating huge sinks that can store these gases (like oceans, forests, soils etc). The ultimate goal is to avoid human interference with the climate system.

Adaptation will need adapting our life to changing climate. The goal would be to reduce the effect of climate change on our lives, like more extreme weather, food insecurity etc.

There have been cases where the civilisations have been destroyed due to climate change, mainly due to drought.

While climate change is a global issue, we, the people, the social organisations like municipalities, NGOs, societies like ours, have been the front-line soldiers for such fights and changes and would continue to be in the front positions.

And earlier we understand, better it is for us. We are the ones who have to mitigate the climate change effects and we are the ones who need to adapt.

Jai Hind!

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Perennials are a must-have in your garden because of their ability to come back year after year, usually growing even stronger and more beautiful with age. But unlike annuals that can bloom non-stop for months, most perennials have a relatively short bloom season, lasting from just a few days to a few weeks. You can still ensure plenty of flowers from your perennials through the seasons by choosing varieties with staggered bloom times. And don’t be afraid to pack in the plants for the best color show: Where three or four types of annuals can brighten a bed all season long, you might need a dozen different perennials to make sure something is blooming from spring to fall. Start planning your continuously blooming garden by selecting a combination of these spring, summer and fall-blooming perennials for sun and shade.

  • Cuttings and seeds of shrubs not sown in March can still be sown early this month.
  •  You can propagate cuttings of Hamelia patens, Buddleja madagascariensis, Buddleja asiatica, Acalyphas, Duranta, Hibiscus, Bougainvillea, Petrea, Eranthemum, Dombeya etc.
  • Seeds of Lantana, Tecoma stans, Hamelia patens, Murraya exotica, Cassias, Plumbago, Barleria etc. can be sown.
  • Summer Annual seeds of flowers such as Zinnia, Sunflower, Gailardia, Gomphrena, Tithonia, Rudbeckia, Cosmos, Marigolds, Hollyhock, Kochia, Portulaca, Purslane,Coleus , Roselle can still be planted in this month.
  • Established shrubberies will also require careful attention. After pruning, spread liberal quantities of manure in all types of jasmine, night queen(Raat ki rani),Plumeria ,hibiscus,oleander etc.
  • Cannas will be at their best and can be propagated also.
  • Summer bulbs such as Caladiums, Football Lily, Gloriosa lily, Ginger lilies, Day lilies, Crinum, Lycoris, Tuberose, Costus can still be planted.
  • Seeds of winter annuals should be collected, cleaned and stored with proper labels.
  • Prefer to buy fresh seeds of Aster, Carnations, Cineraria, Clarkia, Hybrid Dahlias, Godetia, Nasturtium, Nemesia, Pansy, Petunia, Stocks if you want to use them for exhibition.
  • Rest of varieties may be safely collected and preserved. If possible put small notes of colour,species ,heights in the jars /pkts.
  • Avoid drying in the direct sun or the vitality of the seed will be seriously impaired. When thoroughly dried and all rubbish removed store in airtight containers. Seal with wax and keep in coolest place. Before sealing do add any powder like Saaf or silica gel crystals.
  • Foliage plants in pots can be repotted or fertilized adequately.
  • Chrysanthemums can be transplanted now in 6in pots. These should be kept in the sunny position.
  • Simultaneously prepare your pots and baskets for the seedlings.

Happy Gardening!!

Rama Tyagi

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  • A bulb is a rounded part at the base of a plant’s stem that stores energy while the plant is dormant. At the center of the bulb is the plant shoots itself, which is surrounded by layers of carbohydrates.
  • Some bulbs called tunicate bulbs are covered in a papery skin called a tunic while imbricate bulbs have no tunic.
  • Corms, tubers, tuberous roots and rhizomes are all bulb-like storage organs but are not true bulbs.
  • In India we have all bulbs in the spring category such as tulips, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinth etc. When their foliage wilts in the summer, you can trim away some of the dead plant matter, but leave the bulbs in the ground or pot to bloom next spring. Some gardeners dig up hardy bulbs anyway, to divide or replace overcrowded bulbs for maximum yield.
  • Tender bulbs go into storage meaning they spend about four months in storage.

How to Store Bulbs?


Wait to dig up bulbs until all of the plant’s foliage has died. Trim the foliage down to about six inches and gently dig the bulbs out of the ground, being careful not to damage them. Compost any damaged bulbs.


If your bulbs were dug up from the ground, gently brush off any excess dirt. Do not wash the bulbs as this can add excess water to the bulb and cause it to rot while you are storing bulbs for the winter.


Allow the bulbs to air-dry indoors on paper towels or newspapers for at least two weeks. Choose a dry place with good air circulation. Test a bulb’s dryness by trimming the stem. Leave at least two inches of stem, or the bulb may start to root from the sprouting end. If the stem is moist inside, the bulbs need more time to dry.


Store tender bulbs in paper bags, reusable mesh bags or cardboard boxes with air holes poked in for air circulation.

Fill the container with peat moss, sawdust or vermiculite enough to cover each bulb by one inch. Make sure the bulbs have enough air circulation to prevent rotting.


  • Always remember to store your bulbs in a material that can breathe otherwise the bulbs will rot.
  •  Also, the bulbs should not be touching one another. One can use a layer of newspaper in between in each layer.
  • Store the bulbs in a dry place.
  • Store your flower bulbs in a dry place until you’re ready to replant them. Aim for a storage temperature like a refrigerator.
  • Store tropical bulbs in a slightly warmer area.
  • Check on them occasionally. Squeeze each one gently and toss any that have become mushy.
  • If your main bulb has several smaller daughter bulbs attached to it, you can divide it before planting. Healthy bulbs should be large, firm and free of fungus or rot. Discard any mushy or cracked bulbs.


                                                                                                                                                      Vandna Bhatnagar 


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Insects & Pests of April

And Their Management

Spring is the season when plants wake up from dormancy and start their cycle of growth. Along with this, pests also wake up .In winters they lie under soil but as soil warms up they also start invading our plants.



  1. They are of two types : Shoot and fruit borer and Stem borer
  2. Symptoms of Shoot & fruit borer: Withered terminal shoots, bore holes on shoots plugged with excreta, shedding of flower buds, drying of leaves due to boring on petioles by larva.
  3. Symptoms of Stem borer: Stunted growth, withering and wilting of plants, bore holes on stem and leaf axils are covered with excreta; Infestation caused by larva.
  4. Commonly found in:  Brinjal, tomato, ladyfinger etc.
  5. Remedy:
  6. Collection and destruction of infested plant parts like shoots, buds and fruits.
  7. Spray anyone of the following twice at 30 days after planting at a fortnightly interval.

                                      i. Quinalphos 25 EC / NO 2 ml/lit + Teepol 1 ml/lit.

                                      ii. Neem Seed Kernel Extract (NSKE) 5% (50 g/lit).


  1. Ash weevils
  2. Symptom: Adults cause notching of leaf margins.
  3. Commonly found in: Brinjal etc.
  4. Remedy: Apply carbofuran 3G @ 15 kg/ha, 15 days after planting.


  1. Symptoms: Curling and crinkling of leaves, stunted plants with honeydew secretion and sooty mould are the symptoms of damage. Large numbers of aphids are seen on tender/apical shoots.
  2. Commonly found in : Brinjal, tomato, ladyfinger, roses, oleanders etc.
  3. Remedy: Spray methyl demeton 25 EC or dimethoate 30 EC @ 2 ml/lit


  1. Symptoms: The maggots feed on the pulp of the fruits and the symptoms of damage include oozing of resinous fluid from fruits, distorted and malformed fruits, premature dropping of fruits and unfit for consumption. Maggot is white and apodous.
  2. Commonly found in: cucurbites etc.
  3. Remedy:
  4. Grow fruit flies resistant varieties like in case of pumpkin grow Arka Swarramuki
  5. Ribbed gourd may be grown as a trap crop and carbaryl 50 WP 2 g/lit (or) malathion 2 ml/lit, may be sprayed on the congregating
  6. Attractants like citronella oil, eucalyptus oil, acetic acid (vinegar) dextrose and lactic acid may be used to trap adult flies which lie under surface of leaves.


  1. Symptom: Damaged buds are with boreholes and often webbed with silken threads. Webbings are soiled with excreta. Larva is dark green with black head. Adult is a small white moth with black palpi.
  2. Commonly found in: Jasmine
  3. Remedy: Spray Monocrotophos 2 ml/lit or Endosulfan 2 ml/lit.


  1. Symptom:  Affected leaves become brown and bronzy, severe infestation results in webbing on the leaves.
  2. Commonly found in: Roses, adeniums, ficus etc.
  3. Remedy:  Spray Sulphur 50 WP 2 g/lit or dicofol 2.5 ml/lit.


  1. Symptoms: Small holes and chewing activity and some yellowing around the damaged tissues.
  2. Commonly found in: Tomatoes etc.
  3. Remedy: Hand picking the beetles during dry time and spray Endosulfan.


  1. Symptom:  Leaves are often with serpentine mines followed by drying and dropping of leaves due to infestation. Larva is orange yellowish and apodous. Adult is pale yellow fly.
  2. Commonly found in: Cucurbits etc.
  3. Remedy: Remove the infected leaves and use a mix of soapy water with a pinch of baking soda or chemical spray of Roger 2ml/ltr of water.

All fruit trees like Mango, guavas, chikoo, plums, grapevines, citrus trees, pomegranate have to be checked periodically and measures taken in advance to protect trees, flowers and fruits.

Adopt organic methods like Jeevamrut ,Neem kernel extracts and other measures. Chemical spraying should be done in the extreme case of endemic diseases.


Rama Tyagi

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Vegetable Gardening tasks for April

  • Since summers bring various health issues like dehydration, vitamin deficiencies and skin allergies with them, hence the consumption of seasonal vegetables becomes all the more important.
  • It not only keeps health troubles at bay but also makes your body feel its best throughout the hottest season. So, you need not to just rely on refreshing icy drinks any more, start your journey of growing your own vegetables which are pest free and organic.
  • When it comes to growing a big, bountiful harvest of vegetables in pots, containers and raised beds, it all starts with planting in the best organic potting soil possible. And one of the easiest ways to do that is by creating your own right at home.
  • Plants absorb a large share of nutrients and moisture through their root system. In fertile soil that is full of organic matter, the roots are able to soak in the nutrients they need with ease.
  • Popular vegetable plants like cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers are heavy feeders from the soil. Unfortunately, when these vegetables are planted into poor or tired soil, they end up with weak roots, stems and foliage which of course lead to a disappointing harvest.
  • Be sure you have good drainage in place for your containers. A few inches of gravel, charcoal or even a few larger rocks and stones placed in the bottom of each container can help excess water drain away from plants. In addition, be sure there are plenty of drainage holes at the bottom to let the water escape.
  • Treat soil before sowing.
  • Buy your seeds from a reputable place.
  • Remove all diseased plant debris
  • Soak your seeds in fungicide (carbendazim)



  • 6 cups pulverized topsoil
  • 6 cups compost (cow dung)
  • 2 cups of perlite( optional)
  • 1 cup vermicompost
  • 1/2 cup of neem khali and sarson khali
  • 2 to 4 crushed egg shells

Soil Mix 2

Soil +sand + compost + sarson cake + neem cake +micronutrients in the ratio 4:3:2:1.

The vegetables which can be grown now are as following:

  • Leafy vegetables:  Amaranthus, spinach, mint, coriander
  • Bulbous/Rhizomes: colocasia, turmeric, ginger, sweet potato, tapioca, artichoke, amorphophallus
  • Cucurbits : Cucumber, gourds, pumpkin, marrows, melons, kakri, bitter gourd, tinda ,squash, parwal
  • Pod crops: Beans, cowpeas, cluster beans, lobia, sword beans, cho-cho(sechium edule).
  • Stem crops: Asparagus
  • Root crop : Radish

Besides these you can sow : Lady’s finger, Chillies, Egg plant, Maize , Moringa etc.


  1. Stake the climber vegetables
  2. Make a watering schedule. Irregular watering will result in death of plants and no fruiting.
  3. Apply pheromones cards to control pests.
  4. Strawberries and tree tomatoes start fruiting. Protect them from birds by putting fishermen net.
  5. Grape vines should be trained from the beginning.
  6. Those who had sown seeds in march must have sprouted. Thin out the weaker ones.
  7. Mango, guava, citrus  trees need watchful eyes to watch for pests and flower drops.

Finally would suggest new gardeners to must plant

  • Curry leaves (Meethi neem)
  • Moringa
  • Mint
  • Tulsi
  • Lemon grass.

Grow what you eat and Eat what you grow.

Happy Gardening!!

Rama Tyagi

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NUTS and SEEDS – HIGH in PROTEINS – Better Health Options

( Compiled from Internet)

NUTS and seeds are rich source of minerals, proteins, healthy fats, fibre and vitamins


  • Most nuts contain very similar macronutrients, fat and carbohydrates but different types of nuts have slightly different micronutrients.
  • The mono saturated fats present in nuts and poly saturated fat present mainly in walnuts regulate food intake, burn energy and help in regulating body weight.
  • Some Nuts are high in amino acid arginine and other nutrients that keep blood vessel healthy and help in protection against heart ailments.
  • Nuts are good source of dietary protein and fibre and are better alternative to animal protein.
  • Nuts are free of dietary cholesterol.
  • Nuts are rich in phytochemicals that act as antioxidants.
  • Nuts are rich in Vitamins E, B 6, niacin and folate and minerals viz; Zink, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Copper, Potassium, phosphorus and Selenium.
  • Nuts have around 29 KJ of energy per gram and an ideal nut intake for adults is 30gms on most week days  as recommended by Dietary Guidelines.


Like nuts seeds are also good source of protein, healthy fats and fibre.

  • Seeds are rich in minerals viz. Magnesium, calcium, Iron, potassium and Zinc.
  • They are rich in Vitamins viz. B1, B2, B3 and Vitamin E
  • Oily seeds also contain antioxidants.

As Nuts and Seeds have unique nutrient profile they are known to help in:

  • Weight management
  • Reducing Heart ailments.
  • Reducing diabetes risk.
  • Managing Energy expenditure. The energy we burn following a nut enriched diet comes from fat source resulting in less storage of fat.

Though the effect of seeds on body in weight management is not researched extensively but is most likely to be similar as the properties are identical.

So add a handful of nuts and seeds viz. Cashew, Almonds, pistachios,  Brazil nuts, Hazel nuts, Peanuts, Sunflower seeds, Chia seeds, Flax seeds, Pepita or Pumpkin seeds, Melon seeds, Hemp seeds and sesame seeds to your daily diet and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Happy Eating!!

    Shailja Mishra

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फ्लावर शो और चटकारे 2022

*समत्वं योग उच्यते* को परिभाषित करता हुआ फूलों का मेला हाल ही में गाजियाबाद में महसूस करने को मिला।हर साल की तरह खुशबू और रंगीनी बिखेरता *फ्लावर शो*  *और चटकारे 2022* एन एच 24 पर स्थित लैंडक्राफ्ट गोल्फ लिंक पर फिर सबको महका गया।मार्च माह की 11,12और 13 तारीखों पर सजने वाले मनमोहक मेले ने सभी की स्वादेन्द्रियों को भी तृप्त किया।कुल मिलाकर तन , मन और आत्मा पर यह फूल मेला अपना जादुई असर छोड़ ही गया।  फूल और पत्तियों को संवारते हुए बड़ी खूबसूरती से संबंधों को सहजने वाली हार्टिकल्चर फ्लोरीकल्चर सोसायटी गाजियाबाद की रमा त्यागी जी  का यह गुलदस्ता अपनी कहानी स्वयं ही दिलों में बयां कर रहा है। इस बार के मेले का केंद्रीय विचार *योग*  रहा।मनोयोग से तैयार इस फूल मेले में तरह-तरह के फूलों और पौधों को इस तरह से प्रदर्शित किया गया था कि बरबस ही सर्वोच्च शक्ति से जुड़ाव सहज ही महसूस किया जा सकता था।बेहतर लैंडस्केपिंग के रूप में ज़ेन, महादेव का स्थान, सतरंगी दिव्यता हर किसी को आकर्षित कर रही थी।पेपरमेशे से बना केदारनाथ मंदिर कलात्मकता का खूबसूरत प्रदर्शन रहा।ठहरे पानी में जलपक्षियों का कलरव भी मानसिक ठहराव पैदा कर रहा था। जहां तहां संवरे सजे फूल और लोकनृत्य की थिरकन सुकूनी मादकता का विस्तार लग रही थी।
इस बार के फ्लावर शो की भव्यता इसका आध्यात्मिक आकर्षण रहा।इसी आधार पर साज सज्जा को ध्यान में रखते हुए  योग मुद्रा बनाई गई थी।  मुद्रा में सातों चक्रों पर रंग विशेष के अनुसार फूल और पौधे लगाए गए थे।इसी तरह हर तरफ इन्हीं रंगों का  इस्तेमाल करते हुए माहौल को उर्जा से भरने का प्रयास किया गया था। यहां तक कि सब्जियां भी उसी प्रकार लगाई गई हैं जैसे मूलाधार पर लाल रंग(टमातर)और सहस्रार पर नीला- जामुनी (बैंगन) रंग रखा गया है।सभी के स्वास्थ्यवर्धन को ख्याल में रखते हुए पीस लिली, एज़ेलिया आदि ऑक्सीजन अधिकता में उत्पन्न करने वाले पौधों को प्रोत्साहित किया गया था।तरह-तरह के बीज ,फल, सब्जियों, उपयोगी अंकुरित नन्हीं पौधों और बोनसाई का प्रदर्शन ज्ञानवर्धक था। त्रिदिवसीय कार्यक्रम में कई प्रकार की कार्यशालाएं आयोजित की गईं।विभिन्न शैलियों  के बोनसाई  बनाकर प्रदर्शित किए  गए। बोनसाई क्लास में अठारह प्रकार की श्रेणियों में लगभग तीस प्रतिभागियों ने अपने पौधों का प्रदर्शन किया। इसमें लगभग 600 पौधे विभिन्न प्रजातियों के प्रदर्शित किए गए।

कार्यशाला में पैराकैंथा के पौधे पर कास्केड स्टाइल में बोनसाई बनाकर सिखाया गया।  चालीस साल पुराने सेमी कास्केट  स्टाइल के गुड़हल के पौधे को किंग आफ बोनसाई का पुरस्कार भी मिला।मेले में कैक्टस की विविधता चार चांद लगा रही थी और इन्हें घर में जगह देने से हिचकने वालों की भ्रांतियां तोड़ रही थी।विभिन्न प्रकार की प्रतियोगिताएं भी इस मेले का हिस्सा रहीं जैसे रंगोली, चित्र कला, फैशन शो आदि जोकि स्थानीय निवासियों के आकर्षण का केंद्र रहीं।साथ ही पर्यावरणीय जागरूकता को बढ़ावा देती प्रतियोगिताएं भी आयोजित की गईं जैसे टैरेस गार्डेनिंग और बालकनी गार्डेनिंग।कुल मिलाकर “योग: कर्मसु कौशलम्” की मिसाल बना यह  फ्लावर शो इंसानी तन ,मन और आत्मा को आध्यात्मिक और व्यावहारिक रूप से सहज ही छू गया।इसकी बेहतरीन व्यवस्था और प्रबंधन से जुड़े सभी लोग हृदय से धन्यवाद के पात्र हैं। हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं हैं कि फूलों के ऐसे मेले साल दर साल सजते रहें,उमंगे भरते रहें।

Archana Pramod

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                                                    (Reference: Flower Show 2022, Ghaziabad)

  • Covid 19, aperiod of 2 Years has made Gardening and Yoga a basic part of our life. Keeping this in mind, the theme of this year’s Flower Show was YOGA.
  • The Theme, YOGA was equally depicted in art and words conveying the age old way of life in simple and in FLOWERED MANNER.
  • The depiction of all the seven Chakras of Yoga was quite appealing.
  • The Imbalance caused in various Chakras leading to ailments and their remedy by using fruits, vegetables and other organic products for proper care, prevention and cure was highlighted effectively.
  • The Peculiar Positioning of SEVEN CHAKRAS in the body has been of great charm. The same has been confirmed by Drone Picture.
  • “NAVGRAHA VATIKA” was another attraction of the flower show. Nine Stars were related to the trees around us. Trees are the great source to absorb the toxic pollution from our surroundings. The Mystic Combination of Astronomy with Botany Science helps in controlling the ecology of our lives.
  • Horticulture  Floriculture Society of Ghaziabad has been quite successful in depicting and converting the basic change in the lives otherwise and more through this in current year’s Flower Show.
  • The event has been widely covered in the Newspaper and other social media.
  •  A Proud Moment for All of Us.🙏


P.K. Malhotra

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  • Plants can be multiplied in various ways and propagating them in water is one of the most famous and easiest ways.
  • Roots that are developed in water are different than the ones developed in soil.
  • Based on the growing medium, roots can be classified into 3 categories: Soil roots, Water Roots and Aerial roots.
  • It is preferred not to change the growing medium of the propagation (cuttings) as when you change the medium of any plant or cutting, roots grown in earlier medium will die on its own and new roots will grow, most of the time leading to the death of plant or cutting.
  • When it comes to water propagation, plants with aerial roots performs best. You simply need to dip node areas in water. If the cutting is long and have multiple nodes then remove the leaves from the part which is submerged in water & if you have taken single node let the leaf remain attached to the node.
  •  Tips which will help you and lead you towards successful water propagation:
    1) CUTTING: Branch cuttings should neither be too mature nor too immature like growing tips. It should be in between. Plants propagate with nodes & leaves. Healthy mature nodes and leaves works best.
    2) SEASON:  Always take cuttings right when the growing season starts.
    3) CHECKING:  Do wash the cutting & change water daily, also check for the signs of Rot in the cutting like any brown mark or squashy areas. If you see anything like then slice it off until  you see fresh white tissue with no brown marks.

Perform above 3 steps until you see white Roots.

                                                                                                                                                              Happy Gardening!!

Swati Trivedi

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(11, 12 & 13 MAR 2022)

All of us so eagerly await the annual mega-event, The Flower Show.

Over a period of time, this show that is so fondly arranged by HFS, has attained its own reputation of being one of the best events in the class and people wait for it eagerly. The recent pandemic has enforced this fact that if the human race has to survive, we have to go back to mother nature.

This year too, the show was organised from 11-13 Mar 2022. The show was covered by the major media houses and was a crowd-puller.

The theme of this flower show was YOGA.

Here are few glimpses of the show.






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Mrs Rama Tyagi            Director HFS

Mr Som Dutt Tyagi          Advisor                          

Gp Capt Sushil Bhatia     Chief Editor

Ms Vandana Bhatnagar     Editor and Content Provider

Ms Sugandha Singhania Asst Editor

Ms Shailja Mishra          Editor and Content Provider

Mr Sandeep Rohilla      Executive & Marketing Editor

Ms Sonia Agrawal          Creative Editor

Mr Devraj Singh             Technical Head

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